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This section will explain how to install your Zygor Guides products on a computer running Mac OS X or older.
After purchasing the guide, head over to http://www.zygorguides.com/amember/member.php and login with the username and password you registered when you bought the guide. Inside the Members Area, under Product Downloads, click the All-In-One Download Area link. Click the Download Now for Macintosh button to download the Zygor Guides Client.
Mac Install:
All of the files in the Mac version of the guide are bundled together in a zip file. Your Mac will automatically open the ZIP file up, as if it were a folder. So you will immediately see the Zygor folders in a window. Simply highlight the folders ZygorGuidesViewer and ZygorTalentAdvisor and copy them.
Now, go to your World of Warcraft AddOns folder. The default location on Macs is:
Macintosh HD \ Applications \ World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns
Once inside your AddOns folder, paste all of the Zygor folders inside there so that the files appear in this location:
Macintosh HD \ Applications \ World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns \ ZygorGuidesViewer
Macintosh HD \ Applications \ World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns / ZygorTalentAdvisor
Now, open up World of Warcraft (the game) and login to your account. At the character selection screen, click the AddOns button at the bottom left corner of the screen. In this list, make sure Zygor Guides Viewer and Zygor Talent Advisor are checked. At the top right of this box check "Load out of date AddOns" and click Okay.
Enter world. If you get errors please see our Troubleshooting section. If you need help using the guide, see our How to use Zygor Guides section.
Install both Alliance and Horde Guides on a Mac:
Install the Alliance guide using the instructions listed above.
On your Mac, go to:
Macintosh HD \ Applications \ World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns \ ZygorGuidesViewer \ Guides
Inside the Guides folder, you will should see:
Open the Horde ZIP file and go to ZygorGuidesViewer \ Guides. Copy the file ZygorGuidesHorde.lua and then paste it into:
Macintosh HD \ Applications \ World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns \ ZygorGuidesViewer \ Guides
The end goal is to have those 2 .lua files in the Guides folder. After that, it should all work.
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