Celebrate This Year’s Midsummer Fire Festival with Zygor!

by (3 days ago).

The Midsummer Fire Festival is blazing through Azeroth from June 21st to July 5th, bringing a season of fun and fiery festivities. We have fully updated our guides to help you make the most of this year’s event.

What’s New This Year?

  • Enjoy new Skyriding Customizations like the Cliffside Wylderdrake Armor available for Dragonflight players.
  • Engage with the holiday event boss, Ahune, through the Group Finder for a chance to earn the Satchel of Chilled Goods as a daily reward. This year features an updated loot system, increasing drop rates for your first boss kill!
  • Participate in daily quests to earn experience, gold, and Burning Blossoms, which can be used to purchase holiday items.

Whether you’re dancing around the Ribbon Pole for a 10% experience buff, juggling fire torches, or stealing flames from rival capital cities, Zygor is here to navigate you through all the activities.

Remember to update your Zygor Client and join the celebration before it ends on July 5th at 10 AM PST. Visit any major Horde or Alliance city to get started. And remember, while fire is fun, always enjoy the festival responsibly!

Zygor Guides Ready for The War Within Launch

by (2 weeks ago).

Blizzard has set the release date for World of Warcraft: The War Within for August 26th, 2024, with early access starting on August 22nd.

We at Zygor wanted to assure you that the team is hard at work creating all new Leveling Guides and more for this latest expansion to the game. These will be made available to all Zygor Elite users at launch.

We will have more details to share soon as we approach the release date.

We’d love to hear from you. What are you most looking forward to Zygor creating guides for in this expansion? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Zygor MoP Remix Update: Bronze Farming and Story Only Leveling Guides

by (2 weeks ago).

Hello, Zygor Community!

Due to popular demand, we’ve pushed an update that added Story Only leveling guides for Mists of Pandaria Remix.

We’ve also introduced a Bronze Farming guide that explains the easiest way to farm Bronze and where to find the reward vendors.

In addition, we also released profession guide fixes for the Cataclysm Classic version of Zygor with this update.

Please update your Zygor Guides client to receive these changes. Thank you for your continued feedback, we are always listening!