This Week in Zygor – Classic Horde Guide Rework, Delve Treasure Guide/Chromie Time Updates

by (4 weeks ago).

Hey Zygor community! This is Alu and I’ll be helping out with the community on these blog posts and the discord, so if you see me on the discord feel free to reach out with anything.

At long last our classic horde guide rework is finally completed along with a few other notable updates from the team. Before we get into the changes, I want to thank everyone who submitted feedback in our discord and assisted with some changes that you wanted to see for this guide. We couldn’t have done this without all the support. So lets get into this update.


Classic Horde optional dungeon routing update:

  • As an alternative to grind steps, we added optional dungeon routing. This will tell you when to accept dungeon quests, when to run the dungeon, and will route the turn ins into the guide naturally.
  • Quests for dungeons are accepted if they are convenient on the route, not every quest or every dungeon is utilized

(Note: This feature is experimental and may result in the quest log being full while it is perfected)

-If your quest log fills up, you should be able to drop these dungeon quests (they’ll be labeled as such in your log) to free up space. Please let us know if you encounter this issue so we can work to refine this part of the guides.

“I am excited for the dungeon quest integration, I think a lot of people are going to like that and it basically fully removes grinding from the guide” -Calamity (guide author)

One of the major changes to Zygor is the optional dungeon routing optimization which helps tremendously in ensuring less grinding is done while leveling and more fun is spent inside dungeons to fill those gaps in your exp. This has to be one of the most requested things that we’ve seen on the discord and I hope that you enjoy this change.

Classic Horde 1-60 changelog:

  • Added spell training steps for all crucial levels for all classes
  • Improved class specific tooltips to help players navigate challenging quests
  • Spread grind steps out throughout guides so there should rarely be large grind steps that require over 100 mobs.
  • Improved hardcore warning tips to warn when mobs have dangerous abilities.
  • Improved hardcore warning tips to warn when dangerous rare spawns can appear.
  • Extensive revamp of leveling route to allow for faster leveling
  • Improved class specific routing
  • Added more quests for hardcore players to make up for the loss of difficult quests
  • Added more frequent vendor / arrow / food&water restock steps
  • Added steps to check vendors for rare, limited supply items that help with leveling and are convenient to check while leveling
  • Added optional auction steps to purchase items that can be turned in for experience throughout the guide
  • Condensed bank steps to more convenient times
  • General QOL / clarity improvements throughout the guide

Important notes about the changes above:

  • There may be steps you don’t have quests for because they were added in the overhaul. You’ll be “caught up” to the overhaul fully within 3 levels. Do not use the smart injection it will do more harm than good. It’s ok to miss a few quests.
  • You may have some quests that are no longer done, if a quest goes gray in your log you can likely delete it
  • Horde warriors and rogues between level 10-14 may have a full quest log if they choose to go to Silverpine. If this happens abandon barrens quests and restart the barrens guide after Silverpine.
  • Horde between 18-22 May have a broken route because of a complete rewrite. I recommend doing dungeons or following it the best you can until the Hillsbrad guide. It’ll be fixed by then.
  • This interruption shouldn’t happen again, just this once due to doing an overhaul on existing guide

Both Factions:

  • Removed Silithus questing from anniversary realms due to the zone being disabled
  • Alliance will receive the dungeon routing update / spell training steps soon

Final notes: I would like to mention that there were a plethora of small changes and fixes to the guide that couldn’t fit here according to Calamity who worked tirelessly on this update. All in all we believe that the overall guide should flow a lot better than it did before, especially with changes done to optimize your routing based upon doing dungeons or not (why wouldn’t you do dungeons?)

Team Blue: As for the alliance, your portion of the dungeon update is on the way so please don’t be too disappointed. We actually completed the leveling overhaul on alliance first but just needed to finish up with the dungeon quests portion. Feel free to drink your pain away at the Lion’s Pride Inn in the meantime until we push this guide out.


Delve Treasure Guides
Delve Treasure guides have been restored. There was an issue that was preventing those guides from going out to users. This has been corrected now. These will also show you the locations of the delves.

Chrome Time
An update has been made to the handling of guides that require a specific phase of Chromie Time to be in effect for the leveling scaling to work right. It will now notify you in the popup when you need to switch to a certain phase of Chromie Time.

These images demonstrate this:

Stay Updated:

Ensure your guides are updated with the Zygor Guides client to get instant access to the new guides the moment they’re released. If you run into any issues or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via our Support Portal, in the comment section below, or join us on our Discord server.

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