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5man Dungeon team anyone?

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    5man Dungeon team anyone?

    Looking for 4 serious players to random dungeon thier way to 80 with me from level 15 to 80..Tank,healer...3 dps. Anyone interested? Cairne server

    That happens to be my server and I have two toons I am working on there
    • 80 mage to tweak damage so mainly running random heroics
    • 59 druid healer (getting BoA eq from mage for him)
    • I also want to make a tank, leaning pally, but not even created one yet

    My druid is a healer so he gets PuGs within 5min of queuing but it would be good to find people to group with that I could learn their style ... makes life soooo much easier. Look my up and maybe we can get something going.

    Right now my play time is not solid since the fiancée just got laid off about 10 days ago. I squeeze in some play time here and there as I can.
    Cairne Realm
    Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
    Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
    Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter

