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Helpful tips for first few levels

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    Helpful tips for first few levels

    It would be cool to let people know during their first 10-20 levels when they are turning in quests, if they are near a vendor to sell their junk items, to help them get into the habit of clearing out their bags when can. I.e "Visit the vendor next to you and sell all of you gray items and anything else you do not need".

    Also, during the first 10 levels to put in a note to get their fishing, cooking and first aid training if they are passing by the trainers in case they miss them.

    For class training a note during the first few levels if Zygor knows when new abilities would be available per level to go and get them when passing by class trainers. I.e, "Since you just made it to level 12, visist Joe-the-druid-trainer here and get your new skill".


    Newbies and training

    I can see the request for training of new talents and abilities. Adding that would help out the newbies.

    However, letting then know that there bag is full, and to sell junk for cash?

    From the get-go, they need to be in the mindset of emptying space, since at low levels, slots are at a premium. Most of the time during the low levels, there are vendors near or next to the trainers. Unless they have Supply Alts to furnish them with large bags, the backpack and small bags would normally be full when training is required.

    Check your bags. whenever training. reminders not necessary.

