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Arrow does not work in The Barrens

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    Arrow does not work in The Barrens

    The Barrens was broken up into Northern Barrens and Southern Barrens, the arrow stops working in those 2 zones but comes back once you leave them.

    Please try using the Repair button in your Updater as they should be working. If after a repair they still don't work please let us know the first guide/step that it stops working so we know where to start looking.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Are you using a non english WoW client?
      The french translations for those zones were changed (capital letters). Plaguelands was also changed so waypoints will most likely not work there too with a french WoW.
      Zygor, I made a post in the admin section about the LibBabbleZone issues some time ago with a link to a modified file that you can include in the guide.


        OK checking now but I did not realize an update had been released yesterday and did not have it.
        I downloaded it and will check again.


          The LibBabbleZone in the Zygor guide is not up to date and even the one available at wowace does not include the changes Blizzard made to french zone names.
          I have submitted the changes to wowace but they did not make a new build yet.


            This is something we are definitely looking into but is not 100% completed yet (Lib). This should be ready with the next major update.
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