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    Please change!

    The Dailies often have multiple possible quests to offer. In particular, the Zul'Drak Dalies consist of several quest givers who give one of three quests. The guide moves ahead when a particular quest is accepted, but then loses it.

    The guide immediately goes through all of the possible quests. The user must waste time figuring out which one pertanes to his/her current quest. Or, as I frequetly do (old dogs and new tricks, you know!). Then, when the quest is turned in, it is necessary to click the advance button to move onto the next set of quests.

    In Zul'Drak this is particularly annoying since one only has 20 minutes to complete all of the quests in order to get the 29 gold.

    Please modify the action so that the guide automatically presents only the proper quest in such situations.

    Make sure you have "Skip impossible steps" enabled in the Dynamic Progress options under ZygorGuidesViewer in the addon options menu.
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