Zygor’s The Elder Scrolls Online Guides Returning May 31st!

by (8 years ago).


Last month we announced that Zygor’s Guides for The Elder Scrolls Online would be returning, fully updated, and made available exclusively to all Zygor Elite members (and members who purchased the standalone version).

Today we are excited to reveal that Tuesday, May 31st will be the official date you can get your hands on these guides. This will coincide with the all new Dark Brotherhood” DLC that is being added to the game on the same day.

Leave your thoughts and comments over on the official blog and stay tuned for more information about these guides as we begin our launch phase closer to the release.

7 thoughts on “Zygor’s The Elder Scrolls Online Guides Returning May 31st!

  1. Ulst

    Since I no longer play WoW and I do still play the ESO I look forward to using this again
    the changes in the game since you stopped supporting it have made the existing ESO guide all but useless.
    is there anything I need to do on my end to get the updated version?

  2. Aerynne

    Nice. Wish I could get it. From your post, however, it looks like it is elite members only and since I made the (apparently bad) decision to purchase every single one of your WoW guides (twice! for two different accounts!) before elite membership was even a rumored whisper, I cannot see that there is much incentive to pay a monthly subscription simply for one ESO guide. Ah well. I will muddle through.

  3. Thaylor

    Thank you so much for bring this guide back to the game. I really love having a guide as it takes so long to find your way through the content and I normally play by myself. Way to go!!


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