Cyber Monday Sale – 50% Off All Guides For One Day Only!

by (11 years ago).


For the next 24 hours only all Zygor Guides products have been reduced in price by 50%. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get these guides at the lowest prices of the year!

4 thoughts on “Cyber Monday Sale – 50% Off All Guides For One Day Only!

    1. Zygor Admin Post author

      The Cyber Monday email was sent out Monday, December 2nd which was a one day sale. Sorry to hear you missed it, but we run sales pretty frequently so if you stay tuned to this blog and our newsletter you should be able to catch the next one soon.

      1. Adelaide

        Sarà necessario leggere il libro, ma sembra che Nousner sia debbitore di Durkeim e Weber sulla natura della religione come spressione della società e la sua struttura. Difficile mi sembra specie per l’ebraismo una tale affermazione sia neroi#8217;llig&ne del cristianessimo quanto meno nell’odierna “struttura sociale” del popolo ebraico.


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