First Aid and Lockpicking 1-300 Classic Profession Guides Now Available!

by (5 years ago).

A new update has been released for our World of Warcraft: Classic guides (Version 1.0.21413) which adds in the following professions content:

[B] Added First Aid (1-300) guide.
[B] Added Lockpicking (1-300) guide.

This content is only available through our Zygor Elite premium membership which you can sign up for here.

3 thoughts on “First Aid and Lockpicking 1-300 Classic Profession Guides Now Available!

  1. W.A.Machtolf

    Strange how I payed for every WoW Edition that came out even purchased the New one for next year yet we are asked to pay again for this so called classic when we payed for it over and over again I have been playing this game for 15 years now when we started it wasn’t even on the Internet and I always have trouble finding the next level in Zygor to play I’m sure I am not bein sent all the updates as I even payed for every Guide Zygore has some years a go something is definitely wrong.

    1. Zygor Post author

      It’s not the same product you purchased almost 12 years ago, or whenever. Classic is not the same game as Vanilla, even though it looks like it. We had to rebuild the addon from the ground up because the addon API is different, and reworked all of the guides. All of this requires a LOT of time and resources to be able to pay our full time staff.


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