Get Zygor 50% Off – Help Save Clearly Canadian!

by (10 years ago).

As you may already know, it’s extremely rare for us to promote any 3rd party product, period. We have become very careful about whose products we endorse. However, we have something special to share with you today, and it has nothing at all to do with World of Warcraft…

Our friends over at Clearly Canadian are on a mission to bring back an iconic beverage from the 1990’s. If you’ve ever tasted a bottle of Clearly Canadian, you know exactly why this is exciting. If you haven’t, prepare yourself to experience the taste of incredible-ness. 🙂

Buy a case of Clearly Canadian – Get an exclusive 50% Off Zygor Guides coupon sent to your email! (More details below)

What Is Clearly Canadian?

Clearly Canadian is a company that offered premium flavored sparkling water beverages in the 90’s. They came in a tear drop glass bottle and every flavor was delicious (Blackberry was our favorite, though). These days, there seems to be a ton of different options for flavored sparkling water, but let me tell you, they can’t hold a candle to Clearly Canadian.

And now it’s available again! Well… almost. They need our help! Now, if our excitement isn’t enough for you, YouTube superstars Rhett & Link recently expressed their excitement over the return of Clearly Canadian.

How You Can Help & Get Zygor 50% Off!

Zygor has teamed up with Clearly Canadian to try to help them meet their goal of 25,000 cases of Clearly Canadian pre-ordered, so they can begin production. They’re currently at around 19,800 cases pre-ordered. So close!

Here’s the deal:
1) Click our link to go to Clearly Canadian’s website (you MUST click our link in order to receive the Zygor 50% Off coupon to your email address):

2) Pre-order at least ONE case of any flavor of Clearly Canadian (your credit card will not be charged until your order ships).

3) Once we are able to verify your order with Clearly Canadian, we’ll send an email to the email address you used to pre-order your case(s). That email will include an exclusive 50% OFF coupon that you can use to purchase any Zygor product(s).

The best part is, depending on how may guides you end up getting, your case(s) of Clearly Canadian could end up being essentially free! What better way to play World of Warcraft, than with Zygor and while sipping on a cold, delicious, all-natural drink?

Want to have Clearly Canadian available in a Target store near you? Let your voice be heard! On the page at this link, under “Please choose a topic to get started”, choose “Other”. Then just enter your name and other info, and write to them “Please stock Clearly Canadian in your stores!”. Here’s the link:

And that’s it. Alternatively, you could visit your local Target store and ask to speak to the manager, and then ask them to stock Clearly Canadian in their store.

And lastly, feel free to Like the Clearly Canadian Facebook page and tell your friends:

Let’s all push together to bring back Clearly Canadian so, once again, the world can enjoy the taste of the king of flavored sparkling waters!

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