Zygor Guides 6.1, Limited Time Loyalty Discount, Gift Cards, Winter Veil Guides

by (8 years ago).

Happy Holidays everyone! We have a lot of things to announce today, starting with:

Zygor Guides 6.1
First, the Zygor Guides 6.1 update is now available to all Zygor Guides users. This is a major update with a completely redesigned guide menu:

Home is now a “What’s New” section that recaps the Latest and Recent updates with quick links to access the content.

New three column layout utilizes allows you to freely switch between guide types and view more information about guides at once.

Search function now groups content by guide type, making it easier to find the exact guides you’re looking for.

The guide options have been simplified, reorganized, and integrated into the Menu itself.

Limited Time Loyalty Discount
The $4.99 Loyalty Discount for Zygor Elite is back and available for a limited time through the holidays. Anyone who purchased a standalone guide before December 10th, 2015 can sign up for Zygor Elite at the discounted price of $4.99. Also, for this limited time period, customers who already used their Loyalty Discount but lost it due to cancellation can once again sign up at the Loyalty rate. Note that if you sign up and cancel again you will be reverted to the original price.

You can signup for Zygor Elite here: http://zygorguides.com/members/signup-elite

The Loyalty Discount will be going away again in two weeks on January 2nd so be sure not to miss out!

Gift Cards
Just in time for the holidays Zygor Guides gift cards are now available! You can now purchase gift cards that will grant access to Zygor Elite, our premium membership , for a specific period of service. We currently offer Gift Cards for 1 month, 6 month, and 12 month subscriptions.

Once you purchase a card you can use our gift wrapping section to personalize the design of your card to send digitally, or to print out and give in person.

Feast of Winter Veil Guide
Finally, our Feast of Winter Veil guides have been fully updated for the 2016 version of the event. Elite Members can download this update at no additional cost using the Zygor Guides Client. Members who own the previous standalone version of the Dailies and Events guide also receive the update.


4 thoughts on “Zygor Guides 6.1, Limited Time Loyalty Discount, Gift Cards, Winter Veil Guides

  1. William Marczak

    I’m on a pre-paid elite membership that expires in February. When I go to the page to sign up for the $4.99 monthly plan I am not given the option for enrolling in a plan.


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