Here’s a look at some of the key updates we made this week:
We added a new roadmap guide on how to unlock the 2 new Allied Races, Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Trolls, so you’ll be ready for when Patch 8.1.5 hits.
Gold Guides
Added in all missing Battle for Azeroth items for Farming and Gathering.
Added missing BFA battle pets.
Added missing BFA achievements.
As always, you can review the full list of changes on the release notes page:
unable to log in keeps dropping to the bottom of the page. I’m not playing the game at this time and want to discontinue my acct
Is there any reason you couldn’t have just included those 10 or so lines in the email you sent me? The text telling me to click on the link to read it here was almost as long as the article itself.
Are those guides just on the elite member rship or are they available anywhere on the unelite guides?
Pretty sure it’s Elite only access.