Zygor’s Guides for The War Within – Day One Content:
- 70-80 Power Leveling Guides that cover the four new zones in Khaz Algar. (Available in Story Only and Full Zone versions)
- Max Level Campaign Guide
- New Earthen Allied Race Unlock Guide
- Talent Advisor updated to support Hero Talents with Zygor recommedations.
- Old World guides updated to reflect the changes in The War Within.
- 8 New Dungeon Guides (4 level up / 4 max level)
- New Raid Guide for Nerub-ar Palace.
- Delve Treasure Location Guides
- New World Quests for The War Within
- Updated Professions and Farming Guides (Beta versions available by Aug 26th)
- Gold Guide Trend Data updated to support new items in The War Within.
- New TWW Pets and Mounts Guides
- (New Feature) Quest Icons – Contextual raid markers will be placed over npcs you need to interact with for quests – star (talk), square (click), skull (kill), ect.
- (New Feature) Auto-select dialogues – When speaking to NPCs, this will automatically select the correct dialogue when a choice must be selected. Only works in Dragonflight and TWW for now.
Sign up for Zygor Elite and gain access to the pre-patch version of these guides NOW.
Zygor’s Guides for The War Within will be available for download later today (August 21st), ahead of the 3 Day Early Release for TWW.
Will you add the auto select dialogue option for older expansions too?
Yes, we are in the process of doing that now.
hey, when will be the reputation guide for war within be available?
No ETA at this time, but we are working on it and will make sure we let the community know once it’s available.
How can I disable the quest icons? I feel that it is too redundant as both the guide steps and waypoint arrow are sufficient in letting me know what actions to take. I find the overly large icon over the target(s) head distracting and also blocking me from seeing anything beyond the target. It is a decent add for those who’s play style is similar to Diablo, DOTA, or LOL but not everyone plays zoomed out that far.
Hey there! You can toggle this option in Extras section in Settings.
This works however what would be great is to leave it active because it’s a really good feature when you’re leveling to find creatures or NPCs, for me it’s annoying for Quest givers only because the icon covers up the question mark and exclamation point.
I agree.. and I can’t find a way to disable. Have you?
So how do turn off the automatic quest icons markers? I don’t like them while in a party!
Hey there! You can toggle this option in Extras section in Settings.
Looking forward to it. One suggestion for future videos. I’ve always found it difficult to know what guides are for the new patch/expansion in Zygor. It’s not super clear (but eventually can figure it out.) For these videos introducing the new content please take the time to show what guides are for the new content, in the Zygor UI, to help people know what they will SEE in the ui directly to begin. Thanks.
Hey there, Santago! You can check out our Featured page, this may help you: https://zygorguides.com/support/manual/featured
Complete the campaign and explore all the zones is the requirement for pathfinder.
Is there a guide for getting the Pathfinder achievement for steady flight, or does that just happen organically as you level?
Can you confirm or deny that we will have profession leveling guides optimized with reagents rank and farming knowledge points as in Dragonflight professions were just an after tought that made stop using zygor
Hey there, Dan! It’s uncertain at this time. We will be sure to keep the community updated.
Cant wait, been catching on a few things to get them out of the way, took a little break, but cant wait for this new expansion!