Zygor’s Wrath of the Lich King Classic guides are now available to download (Version 2.1.27570). All you need to download is a Zygor Elite membership which you can sign up for here. Here is a final list of all the guides added in this version. You can easily find them using the Featured section of the Guide Menu:
- Death Knight Starter Guide (Ebon Hold)
- Howling Fjord (69-71)
- Borean Tundra (70-72)
- Dragonblight (72-74)
- Grizzly Hills (74-75)
- Zul’Drak (75-77)
- Sholazar Basin (77-78)
- The Storm Peaks (78-79)
- Icecrown (79-80)
- Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom (73-75)
- Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom Quests
- Azjol-Nerub (72-74)
- Azjol-Nerub Quests
- The Culling of Stratholme (78-80)
- The Culling of Stratholme Quests
- Drak’Tharon Keep (74-76)
- Drak’Tharon Keep Quests
- Gundrak (76-78)
- Gundrak Quests
- Halls of Lightning Quests
- The Nexus (69-73)
- The Nexus Quests
- The Oculus (79-80)
- The Oculus Quests
- Violet Hold (75-77)
- Utgarde Keep (69-72)
- Utgarde Keep Quests
- Utgarde Pinnacle (79-80)
- Utgarde Pinnacle Quests
- The Violet Hold Quests
- Dalaran Fishing Dailies
- Dalaran Cooking Dailies
- Frenzyheart Tribe Dailies
- Jewelcrafting Dailies
- The Kalu’ak Dailies
- The Oracles Dailies
- The Sons of Hodir Dailies
- Wyrmrest Accord Dailies
- Barrelhead Goby
- Bonescale Snapper
- Borean Man O’ War
- Deep Sea Monsterbelly
- Dragonfin Angelfish
- Fangtooth Herring
- Glacial Salmon
- Glassfin Minnow
- Imperial Manta Ray
- Magic Eater
- Moonglow Cuttlefish
- Musselback Sculpin
- Nettlefish
- Rockfin Grouper
- Sewer Carp
- Adder’s Tongue
- Deadnettle
- Goldclover
- Icethorn
- Lichbloom
- Talandra’s Rose
- Tiger Lily
- Cobalt Ore
- Saronite Ore
- Titanium Ore
- Borean Leather
- Frostweave Cloth
- Chilled Meat
- Chunk o’ Mammoth
- Northern Egg
- Rhino Meat
- Shoveltusk Flank
- Succulent Clam Meat
- Worg Haunch
- Worm Meat
- Crystallized Air
- Crystallized Earth
- Crystallized Fire
- Crystallized Life
- Crystallized Shadow
- Crystallized Water
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Titles. I got the jenkins on on accident. Will titles be added to the wotlk classic guides?
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Achivement guides please 🙂
I updated last versiyon for WOLK classic but I don’t see ice crown dailies and miner farm guide.
Always im check after every update, gold menu > Farming or Gathering tabs but its not work. I never choose miner elements for farm.
WotLK Rep guides still non-existent.
will there be any achievement or rep guides added for wotlk classic ?
Why aren’t the rep guides in?
I’ve had this guide for 10 years the rep guides were in at original classic. Yall got to post an update on this.
Will we get the rep guides for WOTLK?
I got a new computer and need to install the Zygor wow guide. I can’t find download on website. my password was saved on my old computer and I forgot what it was.
Is there a way to get the reputation guides for Alliance or Horde city rep in the WOTLK classic guide? I want to farm rep. It only show TBC cities to farm rep not the old rep.
Any chance of a Loremaster for WOTLK guide to be added?
I can’t see this guide in Zygor Guide view in the desktop app yet. Have Elite membership, and restarted the app.
Still same. Where is the guide??
I would delete Zygor folders from your Addons folder and then use the Zygor desktop app to reinstall it. This worked for me, prior to doing that I only saw TBC leveling guides.
Thank you Chad. We should be asking why there is no support for Elite Members to supply this information. I have searched for ages for a download button but zilch!
The guides are downloaded via the Zygor Guides client which you can get from the Members Area.