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I wonder what made them do it.

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    I wonder what made them do it.

    I wonder what made them release the Phase 3 today. We had Phase 1 on Monday Nov. 1st, Phase 2 on Monday Nov. 8th, and now Phase 3 on Friday Nov. 12. They didn't even wait till next Monday. Maybe we get patch 4.0.3 ( the release version of this patch is on the PTR right now.) next Tuesday which is Nov. 16th and that will coincide with Phase 4 The Invasion in the cities. Then The Shattering Patch 4.0.3a will happen on either the 23rd or 30th of Nov. which are Tuesday's. Now it would be great if it happened on the 23rd but a couple of things to consider:
    1. It will give only a week for people to do the city invasions.
    2. Pilgrim's Bounty begins the Sunday before and runs until next Sunday.
    So that's why I think The Shattering will happen on the 30th. No holidays are happening. And by then just about everybody who's going to do The Invasion will have already done it.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
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