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Professions Guide - Herbalism

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    Professions Guide - Herbalism


    You're Herbalism Guide is a little off the beaten track.

    At stage 14, it tells me to collect Kingsblood until I have reached level 230.

    Thing is, Kingsblood becomes grey at level 225.

    Also prior to that, reaching level 200, took place in the same place as 200-225; Western Plaguelands. Why isn't the guide taking you to a place you'd learn faster and actually be able to level on the appropriate herb. It leaves me with Khadgar's Whiskers which has been green since 220.

    Just think you're guide is a little of and needs some readjusting.


    Also, after reaching level 285 you want me to visit a trainer, which is fine. But you're indicating that Tannysa is in Zul Farak, but in fact she is in Stormwind. Another little hick up. Would also be nice if the guide actually guided you to a nearer trainer as you switch continents.


    Reaching 400, your sent to Sholazar Basin, which is cool; but you still ask us to collect Goldclovers (those are not very prominent in this area btw)... You continuously ask us to collect GREEN herbs. What is very abundant in this area, is in fact Adder's Tongue, which is orange to Herbalists and guarantee a level point, this herb isn't even mentioned in Sholazar Basin considering it is one of the most dominant herbs here.

    I am not saying that Guide users aren't supposed to think out of the box themselves, but a guide like this, I use because I do not want to use much effort; I literally switch my brain off, particularly levelling with your quest guide. Same goes for herbalism, I do not want to think too much, but when I constant have to make decisions on behalf of a guide that explicitly should tell me what to do, I get well pissed of.

    Edited: Reaching level 425, you are sent to Mount Hyjal which is grand. You're asked to collect Cinderblooms; Funny, doing the circulation dots twice I found 63 Stormwine and 15 Cinderbloom, yet Stormwine isn't mentioned in the guide. It would be worth also asking users to collect Stormwine?

    Edited: AGAIN, reaching level 475 you're asked to goto Deepholm (already I was doing >.<) Okay, so you want me to collect Heartblossom. So I fly your round... No heartblossom in sight or well, FEW in sight... But Oh Oh Oh... What does my eye or rather minimap tell me... BLOODY Cinderbloom, which is now GREY to level 475... What about direction people to an area actually worth while collecting herbs?