Zygor’s Guides For The War Within Now Available For Download

by (2 months ago).

Zygor’s Guides for The War Within are now available for download for all Zygor Elite members. If you’re not an Elite member yet you can sign up here.

This update (Version 9.5.32139) is for users who have pre-order the special edition versions of The War Within expansion which grants players 3 Day Early Access. All other players will need to wait until the official release to be able to access the new expansion content, but the guides are available to all now.

To learn more about all the Day One content added in this update please see our official launch blog. You can also find more details on our product page for Zygor’s Guides for The War Within.

4 thoughts on “Zygor’s Guides For The War Within Now Available For Download

  1. Cory Austin

    Since your forums are down I’ll post it here. The War Within guides have been absolute trash. Multiple times you have the guide saying to pick up quests that do not show up until you turn in other quests. Your achievement and treasure “guides” literally tell us nothing, just “open treasure box” nothing on how to get the box, what needs to be done, etc. So, remind me why I’m giving you money? Please, give me a good reason to stay subscribed to you, because there are a hundred free addons that do your job better.

    1. Opie

      Hey there, Cory.

      Most quests in the game have specific requirements for them to be available. During beta tests, Blizzard often removes these requirements to make quest testing easier. This can lead to situations like what we’re seeing now in the live game. Since we can’t predict what requirements might be added during beta, our guides are based on the beta conditions. Now that the quests are live, our team is playing through everything to update the guides according to the live requirements.

      This is a familiar pattern—similar issues occurred with Dragonflight two years ago, and will likely happen again with the next expansion. Blizzard has also started hiding more content on test servers, making it even harder to have guides fully ready on day one due to last-minute changes.

      Currently, it seems that mainly side quests have been affected by these changes. You can still use the story-only version of our guides without any issues. Rest assured, the team is working quickly to fix the side quests.


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