Important AddOn Directory Changes For Patch 8.1

by (6 years ago).

When Patch 8.1 goes live and your game client is updated Blizzard will be making some changes to how your installation directory is organized. The key change is that all versions of the game will be housed in the same parent folder, but under separate subfolders (_retail_, _ptr_, _beta_) and the Data folder will now be shared between installations. This will reduce the amount of space required for multiple versions of the game.

We will be sending out client updates (Java Client version 3.2.346 | Beta Client version 0.1.28) that should automatically detect when this change occurs and update your installation directories accordingly. However, in case there is an issue, you will be able to update your directories manually.

To do this, go into the client Settings, select Game Installations (or just Installation in the beta client), click the edit button, and update the directories by browsing to the new locations, which will change…


Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns


Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns

If you use the Client to launch the game you will also want to update the executable file which will now be Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Wow.exe.

Note: If you’re client settings aren’t setup correctly you will not be able to get our updates for Patch 8.1, so if you find that you’re missing this content you should check that your directories are updated first.


16 thoughts on “Important AddOn Directory Changes For Patch 8.1

  1. Jimmy Alcorn

    I have downloaded the Beta client and it defaulting to:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\_retail_
    C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\_retail_\Wow.exe
    C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\_retail_\Interface\AddOns

    I can’t change it or update it to the correct path, I have tried to directly change the text and I have tried to use the search icon.

    I have removed the client, restarted my computer and I have re-installed the client = same results.

    Something is screwy.

  2. Jaoasun

    I was used to start the World of Warcraft launcher. The game now starts instantly instead of the launcher and I don’t seem to be able to change this in the settings. Can this be fixed? PS the other changes work fine btw

  3. Tostada

    Concerning the beta client, my end-point security product blocks the login process because it’s trying to send the user/pass in the clear. Perhaps you should verify you are using encryption when sending this data.

  4. Lunetic

    I have the same question. I had trouble with the Java client recently and was not able to resolve it by reinstalling the client so I installed the beta. Hopefully I can continue to use that to maintain the guides.


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