Zygor’s 1-60 Classic Leveling Web Guides Now Available For Free!

by (5 years ago).

The all new and free web based version of our 1-60 Leveling Guides for World of Warcraft: Classic are now available!

If you’re an Elite member you’re already using the best version of our guides which is the fully in-game version only available through Zygor Elite. These new web guides are a great way for non-Elite players to try out our guides for free before upgrading to Elite.

Also, if you sign up for a free Basic account you can use the free trial version of our addon to copy / paste coordinates from the web guides into the game and use the built in Waypoint Arrow to get in-game directions.

You can access the new web guides from the link below, and if you like them, be sure to share the link with your friends and guildmates if you think it would be helpful to them as well:


Enchanting 1-300 Classic Profession Guide Now Available!

by (5 years ago).

A new update has been released (Version 1.0.21322) which adds in the 1-300 Enchanting Profession Leveling Guide for World of Warcraft: Classic. We will be releasing more profession guides over the coming days and weeks to come.

Also, be sure to check back tomorrow for a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!


Blacksmithing 1-300 Classic Profession Guide Now Available!

by (5 years ago).

A new update has been released (Version 1.0.21303) which adds in the 1-300 Blacksmithing Profession Leveling Guide for World of Warcraft: Classic. We will be releasing more profession guides over the coming days and week to come. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we worked to create these guides.

Alchemy 1-300 Classic Profession Guide and Farming Guides Now Available!

by (5 years ago).

A new update has been released (Version 1.0.21282) which adds in the first of our upcoming Professions guides content. This update adds in the full 1-300 Alchemy Profession Leveling Guide and Farming Guides. We’re still busying finalizing the remaining Profession leveling guides but expect to begin trickling those out soon, including more later this week. We hope to have them all rolled out within the new few weeks. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we worked to create and test these guides.

Also, we have a big announcement coming soon (not Profession related) so be sure to stay tuned to this blog for all the details.

Zygor Guide Viewer UI Scaling Expanded For Classic

by (5 years ago).

One of the many differences between Classic and Retail is the way the game client scales UI elements. The default UI in Classic is slightly bigger than the one in Retail, and while we did try to match the sizing of our addon between versions there are inconsistencies in the scaling across different user setups that have resulted in components of the addon, the Guide Menu in particular, not always displaying at an ideal size.

For this reason, we’ve pushed a new update that not only separates the scaling of the Guide Viewer and Guide Menu into 2 separate controls (they scaled together previously), but we’ve also added additional sizing options so you can more precisely set the addon UI to your preferred size.

This update is now available as part of Version 1.0.21220.