The prepatch update for our Burning Crusade Classic guides is now rolling out to all Zygor Elite customers.
In order to get this update, you will first need to download version 4.3.16 of the Zygor Guides Client. This will add in an entry for The Burning Crusade guide content and allow you to install the guides.
Note: only the 1-12 Draenei and Blood Elf starter guides and the revised 1-60 guides have been released at this time. The Outland guides will come at a later date.
Known Issues and Troubleshooting:
The Talent Advisor being broke is a known issue that is being looked into.
If you see a blue bar with no Guide Viewer loading, and a green Zygor button, you probably have 2 versions of the addon running. Uncheck (disable) ZygorGuideViewerClassic from your ingame addons list and leave ZygorGuideViewerClassicTBC enabled.
Important Info:
The default directories for Classic and The Burning Crusade Classic have been changed to:
World of Warcraft Classic:
World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\
World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\WowClassic.exe
World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface\AddOns
The Burning Crusade Classic:
World of Warcraft\_classic_\
World of Warcraft\_classic_\WowClassic.exe
World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns
This may seem kind of confusing because TBC is now located under “classic”, and vanilla Classic is now located under “_classic_era_”. In fact, you may even have to reinstall vanilla Classic to get the _classic_era_ folder to show, as it was in our case.
There was no information prior to release about how Blizzard would set up the folder scheme so we had to set client version 4.3.15 to our best guess, which we thought was going to be vanilla classic becoming _classic_era_ and Burning Crusade being added as _classic_tbc_.
Blizzard instead chose to make vanilla Classic _classic_era_ and TBC is now _classic_. We wanted to get the Buring Crusade pre-patch out earlier but it was delayed because we had to account for this unexpected change by creating client version 4.13.16. In this version, you’ll find a new “restore defaults” button under options / installations which should set your directories to the correct new folders. You can then download the Burning Crusade guides afterwards. This is now rolling out to all Zygor users but will take some time.
However, if you have not received this update to your client, you can also download and install the Burning Crusade guides manually through the members area. You will need to place the extracted folder under World of Warcraft \ _classic_ \ Interface \ AddOns.
Of course, if you’re having any trouble at all our team can assist you via the Support Page or the Forums.
Thanks for above guide and updates as well. Gaming is a wonderful passion that every player has. Through these wonderful tips and guide it will become easy and quick as well to clear the level. Thanks. Keep up the good work!
World of Warcraft TBC
Hellfire peninsula quests aren’t showing even though I’m through the DP? I only see classic-era. I only see “featured: The burning crusade” but no actual quest guides.
Sounds like you have some sort of installation problem. Please contact support and they will get you sorted out.
When can we expect a levelling guide for Ghostlands?
My zygor are not showing the guides 58-60.
Unninstaled, instaled, reinstaled the game and nothing..
I only have started guide for TBC… and since im 12 already i can’t go on. PLEASE FIX BECAUSE im already late for 1june can’t even find leveling Guides past (undead starter guide) FIX i wanna cap levels before pack goes on…!!!!
When can we expect boosted 58-60 guides?
Why is there no smart injection system in the TBCC prepatch version? I used that feature heavily as it was great to jump into the guides at an appropriate point after running some dungeons and such, but the TBCC prepatch version does not seem to have it. Bring it back please!
@Phil H
Thank you man! Good catch!
actually pissed…..
when tbc prepatch released there were some bugs i didnt care about, it worked fine only talentbuild was broken. i found some guide online and finished my talents and thought id just unlearn when zygor come back online. today it said it didnt recognize my build so i assumed it was working and unlearned my talents since the talentadvisor was back… little did i know its still broken and now im just standing here with my dick in hand and no talents+ no clue what talents zygor wants me too learn!” paying actual dollarsfor this.
For those whose client is not loading in TBC,
open up: …\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\Addons
then delete: ZygorGuidesViewerClassic folder
ZygorGuidesViewerClassicTBC should be the only Zygor folder in your addons folder for _classic_, then restart the game.
I am missing the Guide for Ghostlands. The Guide Said i should Quest at Crossroads nur I prefer Ghostlands.
Current guide only goes up to 58, which is ok when BC launches, but it’s currently useless for boosted characters or newly made character trying to max out before June 1st. Will there be a fix soon?
It is working, remove the classic viewer one. in the addon directory, what messed mine up was because it became double and it took the “classic” one and not the other but as soon as I removed the old one and just had the Tbc one it works fine.
There has got to be a better way to get Zygor Guides to work in both Classic and Burning Crusades. I am not a programmer and don’t want to screw things up in trying to edit paths on my computer as I use this computer of other things than just gaming. Maybe you can let us all know when Zygor Guides will fix the issues so we don’t have to reenter paths.
Anyway we could get a leveling guide from 58-60 in the TBC classic ?
This is what I am seeing today with installing TBC & Classic (on macOS)
World of Warcraft\_classic_\World of Warcraft Classic.app
World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\World of Warcraft Classic.app
remove classic addon or set your paths to this
World of Warcraft Classic:
World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\
World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\WowClassic.exe
World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface\AddOns
The Burning Crusade Classic:
World of Warcraft\_classic_\
World of Warcraft\_classic_\WowClassic.exe
World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns
Then disable load out of date addons in the Wow client should work.
Zygors is not working (it’s a paid service… consider giving us a free couple of days) please fix asap or I will have to refund.
Zygors is not working (it’s a paid service… consider giving us a free couple of days) please fix asap or I will have to refund.
TBC guide is not working just a heads up!
tried everything Zygor is not working please fix!
Has the feature that would scan your progress and start you on the best guide been removed?
To the person below me, read the comment just below yours. 🙂
I got that figured out, but now I cannot figure out how to get it to save my settings. If I /reload or re-log the settings reset. It no longer Saves settings. This is so frustrating.
I updated the client to 4.3.16, updated the guides. Wow Classic TBC guide content has a play button, wow classic guide does not. When I go into the game, I get the green zygor button square and the floating ghostly blue bar and no guide while in the Draenai starting zone. Haven’t checked it in the other zones.
Ok, I guess I missed this – there are 2 entries in addons now “classic” and “classic tbc” for the viewer. I had both enabled. Disabled the classic one since that wasn’t working. Everything seems to be okay now. I just wish I had saved a profile or or something before it wiped out my personal settings. Gotta set it all up again. Oh well…
Minimap button is a neon green square. when clicked it just brings up a “ghost” of a tab near where i had my viewer locked at (on the left side of the screen). Just looks like a glitched, floating, disembodied tab. Obv, addon isn’t working. I logged out and ran the windows client, and it updated (the tbc guides updated just fine). Logged back into game and nothing changed. Please help?
I am in the tbc pre patch and have the latest zygor client and installed tbc guide etc etc but in addons it says its out of date. is this normal?
Disregard post, its working
As of 5/19/2021, I have done the update for this addon and it is not working in game. I even manually extracted them as well and still nothing.
There’s a lot of (Ace related messages during the load). For me, it’s not saving the progres after reload, and no talent advisor working
I am seeing a tiny blue bar load for the addon attempting to load. With the addon enabled, flight paths will not work either.
Yeah mine’s not working either
Zygor Client is not loading in the TBC Prepatch version.
Burning Crusade: do you need to start at level 1 go to level 70 or does Burning Crusade pick-up from WOW Classic at level 60 and then go to 70?
@Larry Baker – For the pre-patch you can still only go up to level 60, but you can now start Draenei and Blood Elf characters, and continue leveling any characters you have that aren’t 60 yet. On June 1st you’ll be able to go through the Dark Portal to Outland and level from 60-70.