Zygor’s Patch 8.1.5 Guide Updates Now Available!

by (6 years ago).

A new guide update (Version 7.0.19900)  is now available that adds in all of the new content for Patch 8.1.5. Here is an overview of all the new content and which guides cover that content:

New Allied Races
Kul Tiran Human and Zandalari Troll.

Zygor Guide To Use:
Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth (110-120)\\Allied Races\\Kul Tiran Race Unlock
Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth (110-120)\\Allied Races\\Zandalari Troll Race Unlock

Expanded War Campaign
New Alliance and Horde chapter.

Zygor Guide To Use: Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth (110-120)\\War Campaign

Xal’atath’s Gambit Questline
Xal’atath, the Blade of the Black Empire requests assistance. Sets up the story for Crucible of Storms.

Zygor Guide To Use:
Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth (110-120)\\Xal’atath’s Gambit (All classes but Priest)
Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth (110-120)\\Xal’atath’s Gambit – Priest (Priest version)

Before the Storm Questline:
Reveals the fate of two characters from the Before the Storm book.

Zygor Guide To Use: Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth (110-120)\\Before the Storm Questline

Magni and MOTHER questline:
Prelude to healing Azeroth’s wounds.

Zygor Guide To Use:
Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth (110-120)\\A Brother’s Help

Hati’s Sacrifice questline
Hunters can reform Hati and tame several variations.

Zygor Guide To Use: Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth (110-120)\\Hati’s Sacrifice

Tricks of the Trade – Alchemy Questline
Rewards Silas’ Sphere of Transformation which allows you to interact with various cauldrons around Zandalar and Kul Tiras, as well as the ability to transmute the sphere

Zygor Guide To Use: Profession Guides\\Alchemy\\Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth\\Tools of the Trade – Alchemy

Tricks of the Trade – Blacksmithing Questline:

Rewards Khaz’gorian Smithing Hammer which allows you to repair a piece of your equipment instantly, as well as granting a chance for your Blacksmithing-created items to be Indestructible.

Zygor Guide To Use: Profession Guides\\Blacksmithing\\Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth\\Tools of the Trade – Blacksmithing

Tricks of the Trade – Enchanting Questline:
Rewards Iwen’s Enchanting Rod which allows you to animate golems found in various locations around Zandalar and Kul Tiras, as well as granting additional Enchanting resources from Disenchanting.

Zygor Guide To Use: Profession Guides\\Enchanting\\Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth\\Tools of the Trade – Enchanting

Tricks of the Trade – Engineering Questline:
Rewards the schematic for The Ub3r-Spanner which allows you to summon and craft Ub3r inventions with Engineering.

Zygor Guide To Use: Profession Guides\\Engineering\\Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth\\Tools of the Trade – Engineering

Tricks of the Trade – Inscription Questline:
Rewards Sanguine Feather Quill of Lana’thel which allows you to create Blood Contracts and siphon the blood of nearby slain enemies.

Zygor Guide To Use: Profession Guides\\Inscription\\Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth\\Tools of the Trade – Inscription

Tricks of the Trade – Jewelcrafting Questline:
Rewards Jewelhammer’s Focus which allows you to interact with shrines in various locations in Zandalar and Kul Tiras, as well as extract a gem socketed into your gear.

Zygor Guide To Use: Profession Guides\\Jewelcrafting\\Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth\\Tools of the Trade – Jewelcrafting

Tricks of the Trade – Leatherworking Questline:
Rewards the RE-USE ME which allows you to interact with drums in various locations around Zandalar and Kul Tiras, as well as summon a special mount in Zandalar and Kul Tiras.

Zygor Guide To Use: Profession Guides\\Leatherworking\\Leveling Guides\\Battle for Azeroth\\Tools of the Trade – Leatherworking

Tricks of the Trade – Tailoring Questline:
Rewards the Synchronous Thread which grants you increased cloth drops from humanoid enemies.

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