A new update (Version 8.0.25111) is now available to all Zygor Elite customers that adds in new guide content for Patch 9.1. You can get the update via the Zygor Guides client. If you’re not already a Zygor Elite member you can sign up here.
You can use the Featured Section of the Guide Menu to find all the new content. You can click the thumbnail for each section for a more detailed overview of what all the new content is and our recommendations for completing it.
Our day one content includes:
Chains of Domination Questline – Main Patch 9.1 questline which unlocks flying
They Could Be Anyone Questline – Korthia zone questline
Archivists of Korthia Questline – Questline to unlock the Archivists of Korthia faction
Covenant Assaults – New covenant assaults in the Maw.
Korthia Daily Quests
The Maw World Quests
We have additional content in the pipeline that will be available in the weeks to come, which includes:
Available next week when the dungeon and raid goes live.
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market Attunement Guide – Unlocks dungeon
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market Dungeon Guide
Sanctum of Domination
Pets and Mounts
Coming soon
Over 60+ new pets and mounts