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Launch! 6 All-New Zygor Products?! Video Explains All

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    Launch! 6 All-New Zygor Products?! Video Explains All


    That's right, you read that correctly. :-) At Zygor, we've
    been hard at work over the last few months creating a slew of
    new and exciting products. To top it off, we've made it easier
    than ever to get ALL of them! This video explains it all:


    For the past 5 years, Zygor Guides have been the best selling
    World of Warcraft guides on the market. This is a testament
    to our dedicated and creative staff, our outstanding customer
    support and, of course, to our amazing customers.

    Thank You for Making Zygor #1!

    We couldn't have done it without you.

    Just as World of Warcraft is a community-based game, we are a
    community-based company. We cherish our relationship with
    customers like yourself -- but we also understand that in order
    to maintain your trust, we need to...EVOLVE.

    Change. A community-based game like World of Warcraft has to
    change in order to stay relevant and interesting for players
    and a successful company like Zygor has to change in order to
    remain relevant, as well.

    That is why we are about to embark on an exciting new journey...
    offering a brand new way to do business together -- one that
    gives customers the best value for their dollar while maximizing
    our effectiveness in the long-term.

    By our estimates, World of Warcraft is nearing the middle of
    its life cycle and has anywhere from 3 to 5 years left as the
    most popular online role-playing game. To compensate, Blizzard
    has expanded their free trials to reach more customers. They've
    also announced that new content and expansions will be released
    much faster to solidify customer loyalty...

    At Zygor, we asked ourselves how we should change to reflect
    the shift in the community.

    Instead of asking customers to pay a lump sum for every product
    (and extra fees for upgrades) we're now offering access to our
    entire suite of products with all updates included for a much
    smaller fee.


    Come join us as we march into the new era of guides and let us
    know what you think by leaving a comment below the video!

    See you there. :-) Take care.

    John Cook
    Zygor Guides, LLC
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