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Zygor Guides 4.0 with MOP Beta

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    Zygor Guides 4.0 with MOP Beta

    Hi guys,

    I’m trying to ensure that my typical suite of addon's are as ready as they can be by using my MOP Beta access and all the latest addon versions I can obtain. I’m wondering as a paid up member is there a chance to have access to the 4.0 guide for use with MOP Beta? I appreciate that you operate a closed beta program with staff for your guide, however, I would like to ensure that all my addons play nicely together with plenty of time to fix issues before go live.

    Cheers, BoyFrary.
    There are 10 types of people out there, those that know binary and those that don't!

    Even if the guides were available for a member beta test, the beta servers themselves are not setup for addons. Add to that the ever changing beta environment happening daily (if not hourly now) and you have a environment that is borderline hostile to a addon like this.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      the beta servers themselves are not setup for addons
      Sorry, could you clarify this please? I'm in the there at the mo checking out the addons I use, shouldn't I be?
      There are 10 types of people out there, those that know binary and those that don't!


        Yes, the beta server has allowed addons at this point. It had been a thing of no addons in beta but they opened that up a couple weeks ago. Kamchak might not have known addons were enabled now. As Kamchak points out tho, Blizzard is constantly making changes to the beta server so what works well for addons today might not work tomorrow. Not only that, Blizzard has a habit of changing code around between the time beta closes and the expansion goes live, so there's no guarantee for any addon author that their addons will still work when the expansion hits the live servers.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Correct, I was not aware. My education moment for WoW for the day.

          And as far as addons go, supporting Cabby's post, when Cata hit I was unable to see the game because of a chat addon I used at the time. Yep, a chat addon made the screen black. I could hear sounds, but pitch black.

          For addon usage on this guide; this is a NPC and quest driven addon, meaning that its sole purpose is to tell you which NPC to speak to, which quest to get, and what to kill. All of these 3 things are guided not by names in a database but by a code. Each NPC has a code, each quest has a code, and each mob type has a code.
          With all that information known, the guide tells you to talk to a NPC, same as in game. But what the guide really does is tell you to talk to 73415 and get 22365 to kill 19201 x 15, then return to 73415 to turn in 22365 for XP. (All these numbers are random, so dont look them up; they are to express the guides and the design issues.) What Bliz likes to do is take the numbers they use for a NPC or quest or mob and mix it all up. When that happens the guide can no longer function. You may have seen this with all the problems when Cata hit, and it is inevitable to happen with MoP. And like before, Bliz has no responsibility to tell anyone when they make any change whatsoever, so all the problems that are bound to come up will have to be from member usage/discovery and reporting here on our forums. Its just the nature of the beast.

          Long story short, members dont have access to the upgraded guides, and trying to use this type of addon in a beta would be a nightmare anyway.
          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


            In other words, even if we could use the addon in beta, we, as in the regular members (and some of the staff), could not use it because the beta changes nearly daily. You would be better off waiting until launch on the 25th to use the guides.
            My avatar is an actual photo of me. Nice or ugly?


              OK thank you all for clarifying a few things. I've checked my list and all my Addons are working as expected 'for the moment' so I'm confident that the guide should too.
              There are 10 types of people out there, those that know binary and those that don't!


                Don't worry, we do our best to make sure everything is working nicely and gets along with all the other addons. It should be no different in MoP as it is now with the exception of the new look to the guide viewer that will be released with MoP.
                My Flight Path Follies guide

                A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

