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Any way to skip loot quests

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    Any way to skip loot quests

    I dual box with BoAs and RaF, so I levels really fast. So fast that I do very few quests in each zone.

    Is there any way to auto skip looting quests, i.e. Gather X number of Y (Gather 12 Flowers). It would make it so much easier because I wouldn't nave to swap between toons.

    That option would also make it easier for the BoAs only people, they can afford to skip tohese annoying quests.

    The problem with trying to skip certain quests like that is Blizzard has made the questing path so linear that once you start skipping quests you'll quickly run out of available quests at that quest hub.
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    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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      One sidenote, as long as quests are green you still get full XP for them.
      So it may be better to stay a bit longer in a zone instead of always skipping to the next guide section and traveling around from zone to zone for only a handful of quests in each zone.
      I had no problems being some levels ahead of the guide, especially after level 50 it's no problem being over 4 levels ahead (following Kalimdor guide I reached level 60 in Winterspring).

