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Minimap waypoint arrow question

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    Minimap waypoint arrow question

    Is there a way to disable the waypoint arrow on the minimap? Sometimes Im looking for the flight path guy, and since Im looking for something surrounded by griffs/wyverns (and not sticks of wood, SIGH) and the arrow is right over it - it's a lot harder for me to find the base of the arrow versus the base of the winged boot.
    Speaking of minimaps, can we shrink the gigantic green pin? I love the idea of it, but my minimap is on the small side and sometimes it completely covers things I need. A sliding scale to size it would be wonderful.

    Oh! One other thing I forgot. I switched back to midnight but cant change the background opacity. I can see the checkbox but its greyed out. Is this a feature that's being worked on or am I missing something that needs to be enabled for it to work, or... ?

    Thanks for your help

    I hate to be one to resurrect a dead thread, but I'm going to in case someone else like me runs into this same issue:
    1. Bring up the Zygor Configuration (in the Interface/Addons window)
    2. Go to Waypointing
    3. Go to the "Use External Waypointing Addon:"
    4. If you're using Carbonite, just click the drop down arrow and change to Carbonite; if you're not, I don't know what you can do to turn off the damn green arrow and flashing dots in the mini map
    5. Go to your Carbonite map, right click, and "Clear GoTo"; your Zygor Arrow will reappear, but not the crap in the mini map

    I do remember that there was a way to turn off the mini map way points in a previous Zygor version...whatever happened to that? This new version is annoying in that there isn't a simple radio button/check box to disable the damn thing. Give it back, please!!!!


      If you're looking to get rid of the ant dots on the mini map you can turn them off with the Ant spacing option in the Travel System section.
      My Flight Path Follies guide

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      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

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