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Please help!

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    Please help!

    I am very disappointed in the smart injection system. I followed the guide for the first 51 or so levels but got bored with questing so is started to run some instances up to 58 and now it still has be doing all of the quests down at level 52! what the crap. I head to the outlands in 2 levels and it still has me doing level 52 quests. I know this cant be efficient. Also the quests it has be doing take me ALL over the place for next to no experience. Please help. What should i do?

    i said screw it and went to the oulands early. i will catch up with the guide since i have boa gear


      Since you had to have gone into the settings and changed it from zero to whatever, Im a bit confused how you are now dissapointed in the SIS system.

      The default setting is zero, ergo you changed it to not skip until you got ahead of the guide x levels.

      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        The only other explanation would be that the quests it wanted you to do were part of chains which meant they'd need to be done to keep following the guide anyway.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

