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Is zygor going to have a wildstar leveling guide addon for both factions someday?

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    Is zygor going to have a wildstar leveling guide addon for both factions someday?

    Is zygor going to have a wildstar leveling guide addon for both factions someday?

    Anything is possible, but I do not know of any plans currently to do a Wildstar guide.
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      To be honest we tried the beta and weren't really impressed with what we saw. It just didn't seem to have the same level of quality found in WoW and ESO. Not saying we wouldn't ever do a guide for it but the game would have to do really well and become popular in the mmo scene before we would look into it.
      Zygor Guides Creative Director


        Are you saying that elder scrolls online is better than wildstar?

        Are you saying that elder scrolls online is better than wildstar?


          Originally posted by davidm View Post
          Are you saying that elder scrolls online is better than wildstar?
          In addition to being guide creators we're also huge gamers ourselves, so we do tend to have strong opinions about games. We're always looking into new and upcoming games in order to figure out what direction to take Zygor in. This is just my own person opinion having tried the beta of Wildstar but at the time it lacked that certain magical "something" that makes WoW so fun and addicting. That isn't to say the game won't improve at all from beta to live release and if it does it might catch our interest.

          The Elder Scrolls Online didn't have this problem, even in beta. It felt really polished with great production values, animations, music, story, voice acting, you name it. It's a great game and the strongest contender so far to steal the throne from WoW.
          Zygor Guides Creative Director


            I would personally rethink this stance... Having played both Elder Scrolls Online and currently playing Wildstar (I've been in beta since Nov). I actually purchased the deluxe edition of Wildstar just today because of how much more polished and refined Wildstar has become within the last 6 months.

            As a WoW veteran since launch, I find Wildstar more appealing and fun to play than Elder Scrolls Online, and I bet there is more out there like me than you think.. If you miss the jump, then a competitor will take all the glory.


              Been an MMO player for 10+ years, starting with EQ 1. I have played everything and anything and I at first hated Wildstart just based purely on looks. But after playing the game during this open beta it has grown on me. I fully see it as a game capable of overtaking my WoW addiction completely. The game is GREAT! And this is coming from a person who prides himself on hardcore PVP/PVER. I really do see this game as taking off.

              It's sad to see Zygor Dev's current stance as I would have gladly paid 100$ for a leveling addon @ release if it was able to take me from 1-50 like in WoW.

              My 2 cents anyway.

              Heck I'm no forums poster either but I decided to actually post because of this thread. I purchased the leveling guides for WoW and have been a fan, Wildstar is the game that will have a great potential as well as players willing to pay for a product such as one you the Zygor Devs could create.


                I played almost all weekend. Trying 3 different classes and 3 different paths. I agree with you lethargic. I've played WoW since vanilla and raided 40 man content to 25 man MoP content. I try all the new "WoW-Killers" some seem ok, but nothing grabs my interest from WoW. I fully see Wildstar doing it. It was well planned and executed IMO.

                Such a shame Zygor is dismissing it. Oh well, maybe one of the competitors (Not naming any names) will take the baton on this one. Wildstar's Addon system is a lot like WoW and I can see an in-game guide being VERY possible.

                On May 31st, I will play Wildstar on a live server and may cancel my WoW until Warlords of Draenor.


                  Even if we were to change our mind about a Wildstar guide you wouldn't see it at launch. It takes several months to develop the guide viewer and create the guides. We also have to prioritize the existing guides over creating brand new guides and that means that the WoD content for WoW would take priority over any possible new game guides. So even if right now we decided to do a guide for Wildstar you most likely would not see it before next year. That said I highly doubt we'll be doing any re-thinks on Wildstar until after WoD has been released and we've worked thru that first month or so of expansion bugs.
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                    And that's perfectly fine. We can wait for you until after WoD. At least with Zygor you know it's going to be a quality product. by then you'll see if Wildstar has truly taken off (Which I think it will). Just don't dismiss it entirely.


                      Is there a way you could gauge the profitability of a Wildstar guide. I would gladly pre order both sets of guides ahead of time using something like kickstarter so you could determine the profitability.

                      I have loved your products and very much look forward to wildstar's launch, the two together would be mind blowing.


                        Check out this post: http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/sho...6605#post96605
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