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How fast can you reach level 80 with Zygor's guide, really?

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    How fast can you reach level 80 with Zygor's guide, really?

    I bought this guide since it claims to be the fastest (they all do, haha) but upon using it I ever really bother to speed level. The guide provides a smooth experience and straight forward quest path to level 80 and that's enough for my first character, so I've just been taking my sweet ass time.

    My main is only level 35 right now and while I have no intention of leveling as fast as possible using this guide, I might do it for my future characters after my main reaches level 80, and see how fast Zygor's guide really is.

    Has anyone tried to see how fast you can level to 80 using Zygor's guide?

    Here are a couple of threads regarding leveling times.

    I am CDO. This is a lot like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.


      Well ive triedmost of the guides out there and i find zygor the fastest guide, On my paladin i currently have about 6d 12 hrs played total (With some dung here and there) So i clearli belive that zygor is the fastest.

      (I have a main already so got at the flying mounts asap exeptc from epic flying mount.)
      80 Dwarf Hunter -80* Dranei Paladin - 50 Gnome Mage - 21* Gnome Warlock - 40* Night Elf Druid

      * = Leveled with zygor
      Server : Executes EU

