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New Zygor Guide User question

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    New Zygor Guide User question

    Please disreguard this post. I must have been a little more tired than what I relized. I have figured the easiest way around this issue is to just click past the parts I cant do and move on.

    I got the alliance/horde guide yesterday afternoon. I am currently playing a hunter that is level 49. Upon enter Wow I told the addon to start at lvl 45-50 alliance. It started me out doing quests that I could not do due to what I believe is a chain prooblem. I have also tried resetting it to the lvl 1-13 guide and it automatically zoomed through several quests and occasionally stopping to have me open up flight paths which I have been going through for a couple of hours now.

    My question is this, is there a way that it can detect what quests I have done and which I can not do due to chains?


    If you allow the SIS to skip thru stuff starting from the 1-13 section of the guide it would eventually stop on a quest (probably several levels below you) asking you to pick it up. This would be the beginning of the chains for quests available at your level. It is smart enough to know if you've done a quest before but since the guides are a bit on the linear side, you'd need to allow the SIS to get you to the right parts.

    As for the flight paths and setting hearth locations, you can just step past those and let the SIS continue scanning for where to get you started at. You don't actually need to go and get those FPs if you don't want to, just you'll have to get them on your own later on if you don't already have them. The guide can't tell if you've got a particular FP or not, that's why it stops on those steps.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

