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Dailies and Rep

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    Dailies and Rep

    I have always bought the leveling guide, but was considering spending money on one more guide. I am confused as to what the difference is between the dailies guide and the reputation guide. Don't you usually do dailies to get your various reputations? It would seem to me that the dailies guide might get me more bang for my buck, but I also know that reputation is very important in getting the gear you want early on. I'm looking for more detailed information on those guides and people experience with them. Thank you

    Often daily and reputation guides cover the same content.
    But there are some factions, mostly Classic and BC ones, that don't have enough quests or daily quests to raise repuation. Instead you have to do dungeons or raids, which then are covered by the reputation guide.

    And then there are daily quests not associated to a faction for example profession dailies.


      Up until MoP (Vanilla thru Cata) it was more efficient to not do daily quests when raising your reputations. It was in Cata that we saw some reputations being easier to raise with dailies but there were others that you could raise quickly without the dailies. Then with MoP the reputation grind changed focus to using dailies to raise the rep. This means the usefulness of one or the other guide package really depends on what you want to do and from which expansion area.
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        So let me understand what you said: The dailies guide will presumably be better for achieving rep going forward (MoP and WoD) whereas the reputation guide would be better for achieving the older reps from previous expansions? I myself am really only concerned with achieving the most recent reps (MoP onward) so would the dailies guide be better suited for that? thanks


          If you're only worried about obtaining the reps (any reps) then use the Reputations guides. That will make sure you are gaining your rep as fast as possible. Use the Dailies guides if you're looking to do more than just reps.
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            Thank you for the help. I bought the dailies guide and now you guys have me hooked for December and wanting the gold making guide...man

