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Turn off auto fast forward?

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    Turn off auto fast forward?

    Can you turn this feature off? I don't mind being a level or 2 ahead because I like to do Dungeons and such. I also don't want to miss parts of the map or a Flight Path because now I'm too strong for the quests.

    Originally posted by whitecorn View Post
    Can you turn this feature off? I don't mind being a level or 2 ahead because I like to do Dungeons and such. I also don't want to miss parts of the map or a Flight Path because now I'm too strong for the quests.
    Sure. Right-click your Z by the minimap and select the + sign by Zygor. Then select "Dynamic Progress" for these options. The slider bar at the bottom will let you tailor your guide to keep you x lvls ahead, from zero to 80. Set it to 80 and you wont miss a single quest from the guide; zero and you will get lots of skips. Mine is set to 4.
    For the flight paths uncheck "Skip Travel Steps." This will stop at all "Set xyz as home" but will not skip the flight paths.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

