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Goodbye Zygor!

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    Goodbye Zygor!

    Thanks for the ride Zygor. Loved the Guides. Been using them for years. But now seems i must depart. Disappointed yes. I decided i was going to go Elite, never previously had any problems using PayPal. So this time i didn't think there would be one. But now seems I need to attach a Debit/Credit card to make a purchase.

    Something i am not going to do. I have remained with out anything but a cash point card for years.If I don't have the money, then i can't purchase nothing. I want to keep it that way. It's kept temptation buys away, and me, debt free. ( Other than life's bills lol. ) Thanks for the great Guides over these past years, for your teams tireless work into creating these Guides. It has made Alt leveling much more painless. I hope the Guides continue to grow.

    With Kind regards.

    I think you need to google what a debit card is.


      What cjkinnair is trying to say is that a cash point card and a debit card are essentially the same thing. A debit card (here in America) is a visa or master card that is issued by your bank and is connected to your checking account. The available funds on your debit card will be whatever your balance is in your checking account. If you don't have the money you can't spend it.
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        1st off, @CJKINNAIR, with 40 plus years experience behind me, I know what a Debit Card is. And here in the UK. A cash point card is just that, let's me draw money from an ATM. Nothing more. It does not act as a Debit card. @Zygor Support. That is also How the Debit Card here works in the UK too. BUT, in order for me to obtain one, the Bank i am with would also have me apply for a Credit Card too. Something I do not wish to do. And would not help me anyway, since it's 21 days at least for application and decision.

        I'm just confused with why on earth i need to add either card for Zygor. Since you can't spend money you don't have if it's not in the PayPal account. Anyway. I wasn't here to be a dick, i was genuinely here to thank you guys for the great guides over the years.


          I really don't know why PayPal is saying you need a card speeedy. Only thing I can suggest is to ask them directly why they are requiring a debit or credit card on your account for you to do the subscription. On our side we just setup a preapproved agreement for the subscription to be automatically billed to your PayPal account each month (or 6 or 12 months depending on the plan) and all of the funds (credit card, bank card, bank transfer, etc.) is controlled by PayPal.
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            Originally posted by Zygor Support View Post
            I really don't know why PayPal is saying you need a card speeedy. Only thing I can suggest is to ask them directly why they are requiring a debit or credit card on your account for you to do the subscription. On our side we just setup a preapproved agreement for the subscription to be automatically billed to your PayPal account each month (or 6 or 12 months depending on the plan) and all of the funds (credit card, bank card, bank transfer, etc.) is controlled by PayPal.
            Hmm. I shall contact them then. Maybe it's something to do with the Subscription based billing. Their way of making sure the funds were there to be taken when the due date came around. I shall post here when i know the answer. Maybe of help to someone else in the future.


              Though I also have a credit card attached to my PayPal account I mostly use my normal bank account for PayPal payments.
              I just checked that the Zygor subscription gets paid from my bank account and not the credit card.

              At least here in Germany it does not matter which payment options I use in my PayPal account.
              Remember you can also transfer money to your PayPal account as it acts like a normal bank account.
              Then every payment uses up these funds first.

