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Twitchy Guide Arrow

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    Twitchy Guide Arrow

    I'm not quite sure the best word to describe it; however, sometimes the guide arrow becomes "buggy" in that it twitches (as though it's trying to point you to one place and then another...every frame) Once this happens, the only way I can find to fix it is to /reloadui.

    Anyway, it was happening a lot at Legion release; but then it got better in that it would only happen very rarely. But, in the past few days it's started happening a lot more often ..perhaps even more than it did when Legion first released.

    Is there any way that I can help with debugging this problem for you? I can't really discover any pattern as to why it happens in the first place, but if you guys could include a "debug spew" type mechanism, it might help in providing you more information on bugs that we see.


    Oh, and while I'm thinking of it, I'd like to add a feature request for more debugging information from the Zygor Guides addon so that we can better help you with fixing these types of things (as well as some of the more annoying bugs that we were seeing with the travel system last month.)

    Perhaps there could be a seperate addon that folks could use if they wanted? I could envision a nice addon that would give lots of details about what the Zygor Guides addon is doing, why it's doing it, etc. I could imagine a tab that would just be spammy "debug spew" information, etc.

    Given that I haven't looked through the source code for Zygor Guides thoroughly, it's hard to suggest much. But, it just seems that there should be a way for advanced users to assist the development team in making the guides better for everyone.


      Which skin are you using on the arrow? Right now you want to use the default Stealth skin as the other 3 skins aren't optimized for the new travel system and can give bad directions.

      And we do have a lot more debugging built into the guide viewer but we normally do not suggest having it turned on as it will spam your chat window and isn't needed normally.
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        Ah, I had it set to "Midnight".

        I'll change it to "Stealth" for now; however, please be sure that it's notated on the patch notes when I can use Midnight again (I'm good about checking the patch notes every time there is an update.)

        Also, one other small suggestion is that you probably should change the Arrow Style setting for "Stealth" to "Stealth (Default)" or "Stealth (Recommended)" as I had no idea one skin was better/preferred over another.


