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Travel system issues in WoD - keeps directing to fly to locked flight points

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    Travel system issues in WoD - keeps directing to fly to locked flight points

    I haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere, but thought I'd ask as it's a very frustrating issue - I'm levelling a new toon through WoD (I own Shadowlands, if that matters), but for some reason the guides travel system no longer differentiates between unlocked and locked flight paths.

    This means on my current new character, the guide gets stuck at telling me to fly to the the location I haven't yet visited using the nearest available flight point, unless I physically go into the guide settings > waypoint arrow menu and untoggle the 'enable travel system button', which seems a bit counter productive as this then stops the guide referring me to flight points at all?

    I have only tried this with a new character levelling in Warlords of Draenor. Unsure if it does the same levelling outwith this instance/expansion.

    If this is expected behaviour for the guide then fair enough, but it's a niggle that's really putting me off using it I have to admit.
    (I'd personally argue this falls into the 'bug not a feature' category)

    When you open the flight map with a flight master the guide viewer should detect what points you have unlocked and the travel system will adjust accordingly. If it is not detecting those flight paths then try disabling all other addons and then open the flight map.
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