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Lack of questlines in Shadowlands?

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    Lack of questlines in Shadowlands?

    I'm starting to feel like after you hit level 40 renown and complete the main story line quests and make a legendary, the quest line train just kinda grinds to a halt! Am I missing something, or do I just have to wait till another major patch happens and they open another part of the world up?

    In BFA I literally had tons of fun just finishing quest line after quest line and there always seemed like there was something to do, but in Shadow lands it just seems to scream "go farm some anima" until you can research another tier for your covenant.
    Does anyone have any tips or ideas that I could try besides waiting an entire week to clear dungeons, torghast, and raids over and over?


    You've done pretty much all that they have in the game right now. The only thing you could do if you want to have more questlines would be to swap covenants and do a different covenant's story quests.
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