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How to update?

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    How to update?

    When considering to buy your guide or not what really got me was the free updates for life. I went and purchased it and i am really satisfied. It works great, but it does increase the lag. I anticipated the extra lag from the beginning and with such a comprehensive guide what more could you expect. Problem is how do I update it? Do I run the windows installer in the members area? I noticed in another thread you said that while updates are free the major ones for new xpacs are not. How much could I expect to pay when the new xpac comes out. like $5 or like $25, I'm not asking for an exact price just something close. I bought your guide for half off and that was still a little pricey for me but definable worth it.

    One more question. I watched the video on the homepage that goes through a quick process of the smart injection system. I am pretty sure I have a good understanding of it but I don't feel like i have a full understanding. Specifically when it comes to beginning using the guide on a pre-started character i.e. my 24 pally or 51 druid. Is there a more in depth video or written explanation of how to use it? please provide links if possible.

    Thank you!

    To answer your first question about installing, updating, and such:
    They should probably update the screenshots.
    I am CDO. This is a lot like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.


      Right now for updating it's just a matter of re-downloading and installing again. Zygor has said that they are working on an auto-updating utility similar to something like the Curse client that you can just run for the guides to get updated without constantly having to come to the website, but no one knows yet when that will come out.

      With the lower level pre-level toons like your level 24 the easiest way is to just select your race's 1-13 section of the guide and then right click on the next step button until you finally get to a step in the guide that it wants you to go accept a quest. The reason for starting so low is because there is a lot of back and forth between zones spread across many levels doing chain quests and if you try to select too high of a guide section to start searching for an entry point then you stand a high chance of missing quests needed for chains. For higher level pre-leveled toons if the toon is between 60-70 then start this process with the 60-62 section of the guide and if the toon is 70+ then start with the 70-72 section of the guide.
      My Flight Path Follies guide

      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

