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Zygor has performed an action only Blizzard is allowed to perform

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    Zygor has performed an action only Blizzard is allowed to perform

    I have been getting the above error off and on since the first Pre-Patch dropped. When I get it, Blizzard forces me to turn off the Zygor add on before I am able to continue playing the game. It will then reload the UI and I can play. I just tried and was successful at immediately turning Zygor back on and the game was fine with it. Has anyone else been having this issue, I have read that Blizzard's new UI is kind of glitchy so maybe this will work itself out on its own as they push updates and hotfixes for that..

    Please make sure you have the guides updated. The update we sent out yesterday should help with this.
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      I have no issues running Zygor and playing wow. You must have alot of addons either outdated or even might need to do a repair. Playing on Area 52 and Mal running keys I have no issue with it


        Originally posted by VikingKing View Post
        I have no issues running Zygor and playing wow. You must have alot of addons either outdated or even might need to do a repair. Playing on Area 52 and Mal running keys I have no issue with it
        Thats what I would think if it wasn't me. Curse forge and the Zygor app is running before I open Bizz.net each day and I'm down to DBM, Bagnon, GTFO, Tomtom, Details and Handynotes. I will do a repair and see if that cures it.


          Also having this a lot when trying to dismiss or summon pets, have to disable the addon then re-enable it. Running the latest version.27896 - updated with the windows app.


            Have you tested with all other addons disabled?
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              I have. I am also encountering the same error with all addons disabled. Here are some steps to reproduce:

              Take a druid that's got access to the Emerald Dreamway. Zone back and forth between zones several times, then try to do travel form in the dreamway. You'll encounter the error about the 'only available to the Blizzard UI'
              Last edited by daeadin; November 6, 2022, 09:44 PM.


                I played today for about 6 hours with many different addons running and did not have a single issue with Zygor errors. The only error I saw was once when leaving combat ElvUI generated an error for trying to perform a protected action. That kind of thing can easily happen for any addon when leaving combat if there is any kind of small hiccup in the connection and your game thinks you are out of combat (and allows addons to function normally) but the game server says you're still in combat for another split second. Blizzard highly limits what an addon can and can't do when you are in combat and this kind of mixed signals between game and server (even with no noticeable lag) can cause the error and there is nothing any of the addons can do about that.

                If the game is telling you that you have too many errors and you need to disable Zygor then that means you have another addon that has not been properly updated for 10.0 by it's author causing conflicts. Un-check the box to load out of date addons and see if that helps at all.

                If you can't use a skill or other buttons then that is an addon conflict, out of date addon, or a corrupted file somewhere within the Interface or WTF folders. In that case try this for a test.

                1. Exit the game
                2. Go to your WoW/_retail_/Cache folder and delete everything in there
                3. Go to your WoW/_retail_ folder and rename the Interface and WTF folders to Interface.Old and WTF.Old
                4. In the WoW/_retail_ folder create a new Interface folder, then inside that new Interface folder create a new Addons folder.
                5. Run the Zygor desktop client, click check for updates at the top, and then click on the Install button
                6. Go in game to test and see if that fixed it
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                  Zygor Support,

                  I have taken all of the above steps, and the Zygor addon is still producing the "ZygorGuidesViewer has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI. You can disable this addon and reload the UI." I have been able to reliably reproduce this solely by logging off and on to multiple characters. To be very clear, I am not engaging in any way with the world, including any combat. I simply log off and onto multiple characters and try something simple like travel form on my druid. I was even able to reproduce it by trying to use the WoW Anniversary token after performing the above logoff/logon sequences. It would appear that the addon is being affected somehow during the loading process.


                    I had a talk with the dev team about this. Right now Blizzard is having a lot of issues with errors in their UI elements. This is in part because they are using untested code right now with the prepatch which was not on the ptr or beta. The issues they are having are causing issues taints which other addons (not just us) are catching and causing these errors you are seeing. Unfortunately right now there is nothing we can do to fix this because the taints are happening at random and what one person is able to do to reproduce the error another person is not able to use to get an error. For now the only thing that we can do is tell you to reload the UI whenever you get one of these errors and hopefully Blizzard will get their UI to stop having issues which will allow the rest of us addon authors to get any remaining issues fixed properly.
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                      Im getting this error every single time I got to a new zone. Have to do /reload to fix it.


                        I keep get this error some time every 30 sec
                        fejl zygor.jpg


                          We are working to get that error fixed as quickly as we can.
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                            Originally posted by daeadin View Post
                            Zygor Support,

                            I have taken all of the above steps, and the Zygor addon is still producing the "ZygorGuidesViewer has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI. You can disable this addon and reload the UI." I have been able to reliably reproduce this solely by logging off and on to multiple characters. To be very clear, I am not engaging in any way with the world, including any combat. I simply log off and onto multiple characters and try something simple like travel form on my druid. I was even able to reproduce it by trying to use the WoW Anniversary token after performing the above logoff/logon sequences. It would appear that the addon is being affected somehow during the loading process.
                            Having the same prob have to disable zygor and then log out, have only Zygor running at moment no other addons. really annoying me


                              Please see this news post. https://zygorguides.com/blog/general...locked-errors/
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