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Shaman Order Hall guide

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    Shaman Order Hall guide

    Ok, I've been using Zygor for a long time, love it, had a bit of a break from WoW and came back for Dragonflight. Updated my subscription, got all the updated guides and decided to go mess around with an old Shaman alt, that is still doing Legion.

    The Shaman Order Hall guide seems to 'wig out' at step 114. My PC has apparently turned in the quest 'Return to the Firelands' with Advisor Sevel, but then the guide tells me to accept '.....'.

    No name for the quest, and Advisor Sevel has no mark over his head, indicating he has a quest for me. I've noticed the same thing happens at step 131 with a blank quest from Baron Scalius, who doesn't even appear to be in the Maelstrom.

    The older guides need updating. Those are most likely old quests for the artifact power that was removed from the game. It should be safe to skip that and keep going.
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      Yep, realized this after posting. Even though the guides update, it doesnt replace older content. Just wiped the lot and did a fress install of the guides.

