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Auction house selling issue

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    Auction house selling issue

    So i've trapsed the forums a bit and found people having an issue with selling items,

    When using the addon you have to sometimes try and sell an item 15 times before it will post,

    The fix for this is to disable zygor. I don't understand how this can be a blizzard bug and that there is no workaround other than to disable it.

    I've purchased the addon very much for its gold features and to have a large part of the addon be not able to be utilised because of a "Blizzard Bug" is a bit silly.

    Disabling zygor to post items seems pointless to even have the gold data feature makes the trend data useless as you can't properly utilise the data you have collected because when selling you have to disable zygor...

    Why can't a work-around be made for this?