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Just a small problem

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    Just a small problem

    I noticed today that using the SIS doesn't work sometimes lol I tried it with my 56 warlock and the guide outlvled me and I was stuck on "grind to 57" with only 11% xp >.< it happens because the guide skips quests you have already completed without offering alternatives since most of the quests it wanted me to do I had already done it just ended up in a weird location.

    So since the guide says "no grinding" and yet does have grinding in some cases I thought of an idea if you end up in the grind to w/e lvl part of the guide under like 70% xp it should take you to alternative quests that normally the guide doesn't do anyways just to guarantee less grinding through using the SIS.

    Just an idea

    Adjust the dynamic progresion to +3 lvls and I'll get on track soon
    do a random instance or bg instead of grinding to help u get on track.
    Try those they should help u out
    Dwarf Shaman-Shamme 90 Elemental/Resto
    Nelf Rouge-Legolys 90 Sub/Ass
    Pandarian Monk-Phood 90 Windwalker/Brewmaster
    Nelf Druid-Ornek 85 Boomkin/Bear
    Nelf DK-Zgknight 85 Blood/NA
    Draenei Hunter-Bowz 85 MM/Survival
    Worgen Priest-Loyder 85 Disc/Shadow
    Gnome Warlock-Lotzadots 85 Destro/NA
    Dwarf Paladin-Buradin 85 Prot/Ret
    Gnome Mage-Zygors 70 Arcane/NA
    Nelf Warrior-Talifan 61 Prot/NA


      Well I'm already at lvl 60 %-P I'm just suggesting a way to possibly improve the SIS when normally unavoidable problems arise from starting a guide from a lvl higher than 1. Since even quests the zygor team normally thought of as unwanted are better than grinding from 20%-100%. I don't have problems though catching up because of my BoA but someone who left wow half way to 80 and just came back (after buying zygor) might run into a problem similar to this.


        Yeah I had that prob on my shammy when I hot thhe guide he was at 31 and it took me 4 lvls to get on track lol

        But I made a Mage hunter and rogue from 1 and the guide rocks ass!
        They r all at lvl 20 and I got there fast Now I'm just gearing my 3 80's for icc then I lvl my 45 shammy when I got time lol
        Dwarf Shaman-Shamme 90 Elemental/Resto
        Nelf Rouge-Legolys 90 Sub/Ass
        Pandarian Monk-Phood 90 Windwalker/Brewmaster
        Nelf Druid-Ornek 85 Boomkin/Bear
        Nelf DK-Zgknight 85 Blood/NA
        Draenei Hunter-Bowz 85 MM/Survival
        Worgen Priest-Loyder 85 Disc/Shadow
        Gnome Warlock-Lotzadots 85 Destro/NA
        Dwarf Paladin-Buradin 85 Prot/Ret
        Gnome Mage-Zygors 70 Arcane/NA
        Nelf Warrior-Talifan 61 Prot/NA

