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1 little convern

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    1 little convern

    I started the zygor guide around lvl 60 something.so i've wasted alot of gold and now that i'm lvl 72 i don't have the g's to buy the 5,000 cold air training wondering wether i should stop lvl'ing and build gold or just keep going and hope i really don't need to fly while in northend

    The cold weather flying (flying in Northrend) only costs 1k gold, it's the artisan (really fast movement) that costs 5k gold. You can obtain the cold weather flying at level 77 in Dalaran, so unless you already have a level 80 that could buy the book and send it to your toon you're stuck with your ground mount until you hit 77. Normally by then you'll have built up the 1k gold needed to buy it.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Also, you do NOT need Artisan Flying to get Cold Weather Flying. So at most it'll just cost you those 1000g to fly in Northrend at 77, providing you learnt to fly in Outland ofc.

