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Need some feedback...

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    Need some feedback...

    I am not as hard core as some people are when they get these guides. In other words, I am not someone who loads these guides up and spends every waking hour trying to level the next toon in the fastest way possible.

    I purchased Zygor Guides because I like organization and structure. I could write one of my own (in fact I have one of my own for blood elves 1-20 already stored somewhere) - but writing these guides takes a lot of time and effort.

    I use Zygor Guides as a tool to help focus and do things in the best order possible. For someone like me who does not have a lot of time on my hands, I want to share something with all of you and get some feedback.

    Right now I am working on a theory to level alt characters. Whenever a new expansion comes out, I load up my main character and blast through content as fast as possible. I even had guildmates before tell me to slow down when I am 15 / 20 levels ahead of them.

    For me, alts are a relaxing way to enjoy the game and actually pay attention to things that I have not noticed before with my main character.

    So here is my theory for "busy people" on how to level alt toons...any feedback is appreciated.

    Starting with The Burning Crusade.

    Since you are allowed to fly at level 60 now, and assume you have a main to fund your alt addiction, you probably have enough gold stashed around to get flying here. So get it and it cuts the time down on doing quests considerably.

    There are 595 total quests in The Burning Crusade (according to ACHIEVEMENT requirements). If you do 20 quests per day, which is less than 1 hour's time, you will get to 70 by the end of the month. I know this SOUNDS slow, but this would be for people who just have an hour to kill and not concerned about leveling the fastest and shortest amount of days possible.

    For Wrath of the Lich King, according to achievements - I totaled 735 quests (excluding Icecrown Citadel - the "cash machine" after 80) - which averages about 25 quests a day - still maintaining that 1 hour to kill requirement.

    Sure it would take 2 months to level...but in general this is for people who do not have much time on their hands and just have an hour or even 2 hours to kill.

    Actually it might be shorter than this - because you won't do every single quest in every zone. Using Zygor Guides makes it much faster too.

    Any thoughts on this idea?

    That's actually a really good idea, I would love to hear someone actually trying this. When you put it this way, it makes leveling seem so much faster. There's always "days off" when you don't work every now and again, and sometimes you have over an hour to spend so you could knock off a couple days as well so it wouldn't quite be a month. Great idea, I might actually try to do this and see how it works out!
    It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.

