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Reached lvl 80

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    Reached lvl 80

    ok thx to Zygor guide i am now lvl 80...but now im having problems with doing heroics and such?...My guild isnt a heroic or raid guild...its a lvling guild with few lvl 80s in it..and the only lvl 80 that i had expected to do Heroics with...joined a raid guild for a week -.-..so now im stuck and i dont wanna leave my guild cuz i like it alot..The guild leader wants me to help him make it into a raid guild..gradually..but with only 4 lvl 80s and those lvl 80s not being on very much..im stuck..so what should i do? everytime i join a heroic dungeon..the leader gets fustrated with me cuz my hp is only 14k...i have lower dps then everyone...and i cant heal as well as they want me to someone always dies and im guessing theres no room for dying...ive noticed alot of ppl in heroics are very impatient..this is a new thing for me so i was kinda annoyed at the fact that i kept getting yelled at for having the mage that isnt set for heroics and has 14-15k hp die...so my question is...What now?...just run my dailies? (thx for the awesome daily guide btw..i know i wont get bored)or keep forcing myself into heroics..and just getting to the first boss so i can get that 1 emblem before i get kicked :P

    I think you are a mage so ...

    You can always join lower LFGs. You loose the bonus emblems for picking randoms but you do get easier dungeons that are more your level and then you can need more things. As you get equipment move up to higher dungeons for better eq. Using the dailies you can always go do the road of looking for heirloom equipment which may, or may not, be better then what you currently have. So maybe the dailies will help you. If you are DPS the queue time will allow you to do dailies while waiting, best of both worlds.

    The 14k hp may be an issue if you are a tank since my mage is over 17k health. But if you are healer or DPS who cares what your health is, does not matter. In a PUG you simply keep your threat lower then the tank and, 95% of the time, you will not take any damage at all.

    IF you really are a mage do a couple things:
    1. Tweak your build. Frost has awesome crowd control but arcane is the way to go. Look on http://wow-heroes.com/ and drill into your realm, filter for mage builds. Look at the top 5, 10 or 15 builds. Chances are VERY good they will be 99% the same. Make your build match the most common.
    2. Chances are you'll respec for arcane, get your hit at max the focus on haste. Read and use http://www.wowwiki.com/Spell_hit
    3. Read up on rotations and overall mage theory on http://elitistjerks.com/f75/. There will be a TON of info there so skim it until you have a solid understanding then drill into specifics as you have questions.
    4. Download and use rawr from elitest jerks. Mild learning curve for the tool but WELL worth it. Online version at http://elitistjerks.com/rawr.php and if you look around you should find the local install on their site somewhere.
    5. USE your spells and trinkets effectively, that makes a huge difference

    Those five steps will take you a while to get working, took me almost two months to get the foundation built. But in the end you will see a huge change in DPS. I went from bottom of the charts on recount to #1 most the time. Typically when I am not #1 it is because we are clearing trash and I can't wind up fully before things are dead. My avg hits are in the 6k to 10k range with crits in the 14k to 18k range, but I have seen 20k plus a few times.
    Cairne Realm
    Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
    Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
    Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


      I agree; we need a bit more info to help you out.

      What is your class? (druid, pally, etc)
      What is your talent build? (00/00/00 format)
      What is your hit rating?
      What is your crit %?
      If you are a tank, what is your defense rating?
      If you are a caster, what is your rotation?

      This will give a base for starting to ask more in depth questions to help you out.

      As far as what to do.... you *need* to run at least your daily random heroic. This gives you the Emblems of Frost you will use to get much, much better gear. I understand there are some that are a bit elitist, and can be pretty rude in an instance. Just shrug it off.
      When my lock first hit 80 his DPS was horrible. I had the tank post in party chat I "need to work on your DPS." My reply was "lol ya think?" He posted lol as well as the other party members, which I followed up with "Why do you think Im in here "
      They understood. But to those that dont understand, they wont understand, so they dont matter. In the end, Im in there to get better with my toon and get better gear, which will make me a better player.

      I'll keep checking on this thread for a response to help you out more.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        I am assuming mage because of the "yelled at for having the mage that isnt set for heroics" statement but that does not mean he is

        The frost are nice but that takes a LONG time as in I am still hunting frost eq myself. A good 2-piece EoT will serve you wonders and 75% easier to get. I actually have one of my EoF items (t10 gloves) in the bank and wearing my T9 EoT gloves instead due to set bonus. As I said tho... by choosing specific lower dungeon you loose the emblem bennie. In the end get some starter eq and then focus on the frost T10 down the road once you are moving along easier. My guess is that when cataclysm comes out there will be T11 gear causing a domino affect as other updates have in the past:
        • EoX created and new "2 a day" emblem introduced
        • EoF downgraded and able to get unlimited per day
        • EoT downgraded and no longer get them at all

        If you really are a mage they take a bit to fully understand and from my experience a decked out t10 mage being driven by a noob who does not understand will do worse then a semi-equiped mage with a driver who knows the ropes. Some people get anal over DPS in groups and I'll admit early on I got yelled at a lot in groups while learning how to play. Once you understand the mage is an awesome class that is fun to play. You'll be able to smoke 99% of anything in non-instances solo. Example, last night I was soloing a 151k hp elite and almost had him down until two other elites (50k each) came to help the main. I *almost* got the main down but not quite and that was the first fight in many weeks that actually made me sit up straight in my chair
        Cairne Realm
        Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
        Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
        Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


          I have a lvl 55 mage that yesterday durring a run (at lvl 54) my DPS on recount topped 843. I was over 300 points from all other players in that dungeon.
          Am I braging... hahah heck yes.
          But also bringing up a point. Mages are a class that, when others see you in a dungeon, grumble and cheer at the same time. The cheer is because of the pure hit power we bring to the group. The grumbles are because they know they wont be #1 in DPS/Damage.

          I agree the EoT are easier to get, but once you get your high end T9 gear, you will need those EoF to go further. You get 2 EoF per daily random heroic, but EoT you get with each boss kill in a random, first of the day or not.

          Anyway, let me get the info I asked for from you.
          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


            im a boomkin/Resto Druid
            What is your class? Druid
            What is your talent build? Resto:11/0/60---Balance:58/0/13
            What is your hit rating? 89
            What is your crit %? Spell crit % 11.61
            If you are a tank, what is your defense rating?
            If you are a caster, what is your rotation? Faerie Fire, Insect Swarm, Moonfire, Spam Wrath until Lunar Eclipse,then spam Starfire until Solar eclipse, then spam Wrath again.. Re dot when dots run out

            i was healing the mage and he died and ppl got mad at me for letting him die....the mage got 2-3 shotted tho died super fast 3 times and i couldnt heal him in time :\


              Sorry man, I assumed mage from the statement. I have a level 59 restro druid I never took the time to learn to play and I can feel your pain. The last few LFGs with him I ended up getting kicked or dropping because of my abilities. I can rock a mage but a druid is not my strong point right now.

              My above advice still stands. Look at the info on EJ and download rawr, it will auto-figure your class and help you. Also, look at the wow heroes and filter on druids ... my five points from above still stand, just replace mage with druid and you'll have to go to a different forum for druids
              Cairne Realm
              Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
              Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
              Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


                Originally posted by n3k05 View Post
                im a boomkin/Resto Druid
                What is your class? Druid
                What is your talent build? Resto:11/0/60---Balance:58/0/13
                What is your hit rating? 89
                What is your crit %? Spell crit % 11.61
                If you are a tank, what is your defense rating?
                If you are a caster, what is your rotation? Faerie Fire, Insect Swarm, Moonfire, Spam Wrath until Lunar Eclipse,then spam Starfire until Solar eclipse, then spam Wrath again.. Re dot when dots run out
                OK... excellent. At least you are aware of your abilities and how to proc.
                So I will direct you to focus on spell power and hit for your stats.
                The better your spell power, the more you are hitting with, both for resto and balanced. The hit you want to cap (470, if Im not mistaken) to make your chance to hit that target greater. This way, each caste you send off not only hits your target, but with more behind it.
                Also, get those emblems, both EoF and EoT.

                The EoT you will use right away for your low-level T9 gear. Stop by the argent tournament grounds and look for the vendor for EoT. No matter what you plan on doing, get the two set, regardless of what the items are. this will give you quite the bonus as you work for the four set bonus. This four set bonus you will also want to enchant and gem. This 232 set is a good set to use as you work on the EoF for your 245 and higher gear.

                While you are working the instances for the EoF and EoT, I highly recomend you go into Wintergrasp as often as possible. The shards can be used to get more honor points, which you can use to buy raw gems for a JC to cut for your future gear. each gem costs 10k honor points, which is pretty much two trips into a wintergrasp session.

                The glyphs in the zygor build for balanced is pretty good, so no changes there.

                The resto build will work off the same gear you will use for boomkin. Both are spell talents, and will be served equally well with the same setup.
                To get instant spell power have an enchanter link and grab the spell power enchants. For running heroics and even in raids, this is as important as geming and gear.

                Id like to know which you have more interest in though, boomkin, or tree. I love to heal on my druid, and have boomkin just to keep things from getting stale and repetative, plus typhoon is just fun to do with a mob of 10 or more.

                I can work with you on healing strategies from my experience, if you like.

                I hope this helped you out a bit.

                p.s. In the groups you are in that complain about low DPS numbers from you, just spam wrath on trash mobs, and proc starfire on bosses. This will get your numbers up, as the trash never lives long enough to get full advantage of the DoT's, or the cast time for starfire.
                "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                  Thx alot for the advice ..havent done wintergrasp yet but im looking forward to it

                  my main spec i want to be Resto...i really like healing so far


                    Originally posted by n3k05 View Post
                    Thx alot for the advice ..havent done wintergrasp yet but im looking forward to it

                    my main spec i want to be Resto...i really like healing so far
                    Your gear with spell power will help a lot with your heals.

                    To bad there can be planned cross-realm instance running, or Id jump in with yyou for some first hand knowledge of whats going on.

                    In the meantime, jump onto elitistjerks dot com (safe to use now) and pull up the resto druid 3.3 compendium.
                    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                      Very simple, as a dps it was the mage's job to control his agro, as a healer it's your job to keep the tank alive. If the mage died because he couldn't control his agro then it was on him.
                      My Flight Path Follies guide

                      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                        Originally posted by cabby View Post
                        Very simple, as a dps it was the mage's job to control his agro, as a healer it's your job to keep the tank alive. If the mage died because he couldn't control his agro then it was on him.
                        Very true, very true.

                        As the healer I forgive an occasional aggro pull from powerhouses like mages, but constant aggro pulling time after time after time, they become a very low priority on my 'waste my mana' scale.

                        Now, I will also say that I have a mage and can pull pretty much anything off a tank, with acception to warrior tanks on a single mob. BUT... if I sneeze durring a pull and get aggro, the tank just stinks. I have been able to pull mobs off some tanks with a wand.

                        To take the OP comment about the dying and being blamed... if the tank is not watching the healers mana and keeps running through, ignoring the calls for mana stops, they end up dying. Funny part is, they acctually get upset and indignant that you did something wrong.
                        It all falls into the "I dont suck. I cant suck. I rule, ask me. You suck cause I died." *shrugs*

                        Bottom line... dont let them get to you.
                        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                          yea ..happened again last night this time on a regular dungeon..ended up quitting and saying why do i play this game...Mage starts to pull to much aggro and dies instantly and then he yells at me for being a bad healer...(was in the dungeon occulus) and then he yells at me cuz we were at the one boss that teleports himself in the middle of the dungeon so he can do the freeze the ground thing...no one but me and the tank knew about hiding behind a pillar..so basicly everyone died..besides the tank me and a paladin..who just had enuf hp to survive the hit...only problem i have with that dungeon which i understand why i got yelled at was when we were on the dragons and i had to heal everyone on the dragon...which was different for me and i didnt understand right away...anyway everyone wiped cuz of that ...other times i dont think it was my fault and everyone thought i was a good healer until we got on the dragons :P.

                          hate Occulus


                            Just take in a deep breath, then tell the mage, or whoever, that if they want to be a tank and pull aggro, get another group; you dont heal squishy tanks.
                            Otherwise, non-tank player, stay under aggro.
                            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                              Imma ICC10 And ICC 25 Resto druid Use Healbot it will make healing alot easier and once you get better get into the more complex healing addons

