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BoA Enchs

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    BoA Enchs

    Hi am leveling yet another character,and this time am fully BoA geard.i was serching for the best ench for my shammys 2h axe found it to be crusader.but in my ah there are no mats for that,and i can't find any thing on shoulders and chest...would be great if you guys could suggest something other than crusader,and perhaps for chest and shoulders.thanks for a great guide

    Can't help with your question, but will move this to the General Discussion section as this isn't really a testimonial.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      A list of enchants for heirlooms can be found here:

      Proud noob, opinionated nerd, and asker of obvious questions.

      Main: Reliq (DK - 85).
      Alts: Baym (Paladin - 85), Aotearoa (Priest - 85), Selleck (Hunter), Reliqa (Warrior)


        My advice to you...if you wanna be an enhacment shammy

        For now level it 40 as elemental (will be so much faster, trust me) and get the caster Shammy gear as back up if you can.

        but if you chose to use the hunter/enhancment shaman level gear here is what I suggest

        Weapon 2 handed Axe-Lifestealing
        Weapon 2 handed Mace-+20 Aglity
        once your are 40 and have duel wield (get the one handed maces or daggers) and but +15 agliity to them (or one dagger or mace) which you have easier access to gettin
        Chest-Plus 100 Health

        If you were on my server I could get them to you
        Current 85's
        Troll Shaman/Troll Druid/Troll Priest/Blood Elf Hunter/Blood Elf Paladin (Uldum)

        Currently being leveled
        Orc Warlock (Uldum Server)
        Undead Priest (Uldum)
        Troll Warrior (Sen'Jin)

        On hold:
        Madda (Pandarian Rogue) name held
        Tyri (Undear Warrior or Orc Warrior) not sure yet
        Raylah (----- Monk)

