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Quick Question About Guide!

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    Quick Question About Guide!

    I love this guide soo much. But I was wondering...

    Does the guide at some point tell you "learn any new class spells and abilities"? or something like that? I just dont want to die because my spells arent trained enough lol



    No, the guide doesn't tell you when to go get spells or mounts, etc. Zygor figured when he made this guide that the users would be aware enough to hit a trainer when they thought they'd need to.

    Personally I try to hit the trainer every 4-5 levels or so. If the guide takes me right past a city then I'll stop off really fast but if I'm far away from any cities then I'll hold off until I'm closer or know that there's a really important spell to get.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Originally posted by cabby View Post
      No, the guide doesn't tell you when to go get spells or mounts, etc. Zygor figured when he made this guide that the users would be aware enough to hit a trainer when they thought they'd need to.

      Personally I try to hit the trainer every 4-5 levels or so. If the guide takes me right past a city then I'll stop off really fast but if I'm far away from any cities then I'll hold off until I'm closer or know that there's a really important spell to get.
      ahhh ok...thanks a bunch


        One thing I learned the hard way, if you have dual spec on a tune (which I do every toon once the're lvl 40).....
        Not every talent is updated on the hotbar like it should be automatically for both specs. If you have dual talents, once you go train, check the abilities you just learned (next level ability) that they are now part of your rotation.
        I sat one time with my lvl 61 boomkin (resto primary) wondering why my DPS in a pug wasn't breaking 1k.... then I noticed all my primary rotation skills were around lvl 3 or 5 when the level talent available was lvl 9 or 11 (as an example).
        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


          That's the primary reason I installed RankWatch addon, it tells me when I or others use downranked spells. Don't know why they even exist anymore in the game...

