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Dynamic Progress??

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    Dynamic Progress??

    I'm still trying to determine when leveling if this is good or bad to skip some in your level range even if it 2-3 levels below your current level for example i'm level 73 before i hit howling ford so it seems to skip quest ALOT of quests for me...

    It's really a matter of personal preference I think. I found that if I turn off the SIS in Northrend/Outlands that even tho I'm getting all reputation possible the leveling times slow down a lot due to not doing quests closer to your level. It seems if you allow the guides to do the skipping that you'll gain a level in about 3-4 hours but if you don't let it skip then it can be 8 hours or more per level. Downside to skipping is that you'll sometimes miss quests that build reputation and that can affect you being able to accept later quests. It's all a bit of give and take and just what exactly you'd like to do.
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