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Annoyed at Cataclysm Beta Pick

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    Annoyed at Cataclysm Beta Pick

    hi all
    well iam unshure if they have finished selecting the 2nd round of the so luckey cataclysm Beta testers
    iam so annoyed i have given in the past feedback and told them things if something was not working.. always did something to help

    they did say late Tuesday or Wednesday this week

    but what is LATE like past midnight or like Friday evening here in Australia

    i have op-in with Battle.net or do they only pick really good players that play hours and hours non-stop

    what ever reason i just feel really unluckey since i have nether been in any of the betas and this seems like a bad luck thase i know they have to pick thousends of beta testers and i grant you all a invite to the beta
    i really do i just hate comming home and feeling so excited about seeing a dragon on my Battle.net which seems wried but iam really keen on seeing the changes not just screenshots but iam also so keen to help iron out the last remining Bugs

    anyways i will keep on trying maybe my luck will change
    and that mystery dragon will come to me and let me play in the beta

    i have a girlfriend who has a brother ruin her cataclysm beta due to him blaming her for doing illagel uploads to illagel website and he rang blizzard and so on and she flow out of the beta and what her brother said was not true he had lied about it so badly that blizzard also canceld her accounet
    no one had spoken to her from blizzard and no one has contacted her only recived a email saying ACCOUNT CANCELD from blizzard and nothing for nilly 3 weeks now she can't even make a new acounet its so bad she is so annoyed her first beta and her brother makes a stpid lie up and she is out and all her things are ruined

    Its just random picking i think, Ive not been picked and ive been in every beta since original and alpha testing right and the very beginning

    In original beta i submitted over 120 bugs
    TBC submitted around 70
    WOTLK around 50

    so i am a good tester and not been picked, but I dont mind because I didnt really want beta because for the first time I want the expansion to be a "surprise" im not even reading and MMO champion info or anything about the beta, I only roughly know whats coming/changing, but no details
    "Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listenin' to her enough, or somethin'. I don't know, I wasn't really payin' attention."
    Dumb & Dumber (1994)


      With TheBissto on this one. Gotten tired of betas, they usually end up ruining the fun for me. I also think that the picks are relatively random at this point, probably with some exceptions.


        One variable that determines who they pick is what kind of system you have. Purely speculation, but it seems they pick the rare computer types to test compatability issues. Mac, from what i hear, is quite popular to make it into betas.

        While i'm sure randomness is also a factor, keep in mind that they probably want to feel out their entire customer base for beta and not just keep recruiting the same individuals year after year.... my 2 cents anywho.
        I am CDO. This is a lot like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.

