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Outlands not before level 60 ?

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    Outlands not before level 60 ?

    Just hit 58 last night using the guide it's been a great experience, now at 58 i was expecting to be send in Outlands but no, i browse the guide and it doesnt send us to outlands until level 60. Can you explain why keep peoples in Azartoh at 58 when in Outland you get much better xp and especially rewards ?

    I did the first 6-7 quests last night in outlands i'm already almost halfway to 59 with an outland weapon and a few pieces of armor.

    Originally posted by kaynos View Post
    Can you explain why keep peoples in Azartoh at 58 when in Outland you get much better xp and especially rewards ?
    2 reasons. The first is grinding. We promise customers that they will encounter no grinding once they are synced with the guide. The only way to guarantee that is by going there at the appropriate level. The second reason is because, as many customers who went to those zones early found out, you will run into quests you cannot do because you're not high enough level.

    Cataclysm is right around the corner and much of the game is being changed. We don't know yet how these changes will affect the 1-60 portion of the game. Since we're going to have to rewrite 1-60 from scratch for Cataclysm, it doesn't make sense to us to rewrite the guide now, and then rewrite it again in a month or so when Cataclysm goes into beta testing. It makes more sense to us to spend that time developing our Gold and Dungeon guides which seem to be in higher demand than a leveling guide revision. I hope this clears things up for you.
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      Originally posted by ZG Support View Post
      The second reason is because, as many customers who went to those zones early found out, you will run into quests you cannot do because you're not high enough level..
      First thanks for the fast reply. I experienced exactly what you did, i went to Outland did a few quest and just ding 59 but now everywhere i go i see grey ! above quest givers, so i'm back to Azaroth till i hit 60. It should be real easy now with a few pieces of Outlands gears.


        Honestly , dont worry about that, Just set ur guide to run outlands and while u might not be able to pick up every quest u should lvl up fast enough to stay on track with the guide, i did this at 58 , havnt had to grind other then for the quests , you could do dungeons too also help get more xp , but ull level fast in outlands.


          I'm actually quite happy that the Zygor guide is made this way. I don't understand the peoples need to rush to Outland at 58 and Northrend at 68.

          Zygor (John) has also stated in the past that his guide is made so that any class any spec won't have much issues lvling up, meaning things won't be too difficult. If he made the guide so that you get shipped out to Outland at 58 and Northrend at 68 then many people could find it a bit too hard.

          You might not think it's hard at all, but yours is just one opinion of many.

          And let's face it, if you rush through the quests in the guide 58-60 and 68-70, then you'll hit 60 and 70 in no time even in the older zones, this really isn't anything to complain about.


            Originally posted by kaynos View Post
            Just hit 58 last night using the guide it's been a great experience, now at 58 i was expecting to be send in Outlands but no, i browse the guide and it doesnt send us to outlands until level 60. Can you explain why keep peoples in Azartoh at 58 when in Outland you get much better xp and especially rewards ?

            I did the first 6-7 quests last night in outlands i'm already almost halfway to 59 with an outland weapon and a few pieces of armor.
            MMMM with people dinging 80 in 8 days with the guide as it stands.....
            How much faster do you want the guide to go???? LOL

